wisdom you have picked up over the years

Winners stay winning

Being a winner is an attitude, and thus it never ceases. One victory should not preclude you from another, nor should a loss keep you from competing.
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

you lose money chasing women, but u never lose women chasing money
so much truth
Ask for what you want
Make a strategic plan for anything you want to accomplish
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

One thing I learned over my years and especially in college is that financial responsibility is a lost art. Dudes caught up in the "YOLO, cant take it when im gone" attitude get a rude awakening as soon as the funds dry up. I'm not saying dont spend and enjoy your money, but always save a chunk for the hard times.

Also invest in a good leather belt. I've had the same belt for 6+ years and it is still doing its job.
invest well in anything made of leather (jacket, shoes, belt, wallet)
This is just a motivational quote thread in disguise. Can yall say something in your own words? Like use a real life situation that you over came or some personal insight. Just saying...
My contribution: You know that girl you swear is perfect for you and that shes the one? Don't let her be your only option. No matter how perfect you say she is, there will always be another one that will be prettier, funnier, wittier and just plain better. She will come, she will go, she will love again and so will you.
Originally Posted by IluvJordanXI

This is just a motivational quote thread in disguise. Can yall say something in your own words? Like use a real life situation that you over came or some personal insight. Just saying...
My contribution: You know that girl you swear is perfect for you and that shes the one? Don't let her be your only option. No matter how perfect you say she is, there will always be another one that will be prettier, funnier, wittier and just plain better. She will come, she will go, she will love again and so will you.


Too many times I left myself open and was too trusting. Good to learn young that others dont give a dam about you. Anyone is capable of turning on you whether it be your girl when things go wrong or dudes that you thought were like your brothers. To some extend you have to keep a guard up. Harsh fact to realize but its cold out there.. and fast friends are fake friends.
To argue with fools is the biggest waste of time.
Jadakiss will always disappoint you. Just gotta deal with it, and Listen to styles P's albums.
There will be a point where you won't find any girl, and a point where you can't begin to pick a girl.
Sometimes you have to break a piece of what you have for somebody, and other times you have to take from someone.
Originally Posted by ALSDAMAN24

You should always be mindful that what you do in the present will have a either a positive or negative effect on your future. And yes people do judge you based on prior actiivity, it happens all the time. Using that, "My past is my past" line a lot of times doesnt hold up.

ALSDAMAN24, Make your past into the opposite so it's less likely to ding you in the future....Well put jdiggs...Prevention is a lot easier than fixing...
Originally Posted by AZwildcats

Also invest in a good leather belt. I've had the same belt for 6+ years and it is still doing its job.
webbed utility belts can last a decade and cost <$15.
retired mine last year, lasted 11 years


You be aight
Save your money
Get and stay healthy and active

While you're young and figuring out HS/College, take your time to decide your  career path.  What you think you want to do coming out of high school may not be what you want by the time you finish college.

Don't ever change your plans for a woman.  If your goal is to live in mom's basement until you get your masters so you don't come out of school in debt, stick with it.  Some girl will convince you to get a place with her, and the next thing you know you're working 40hrs + a week at a job you hate just to pay the bills and you dropped out of grad school 3 years ago...  Oh, and she left you for her spin instructor.

Stay out of debt.  Bills don't go away, no matter how long you ignore them.  A bad credit score takes 7 years to clear off your record, and in that 7 years, you probably haven't been able to build up credit elsewhere, so at the end of 7 years, you don't have bad credit, you have NO credit, which is just as bad.

Don't lose sight of the things you enjoy and are passionate about, just make sure your life is balanced and there's room for other things.  If you play ball on the weekends, don't stop, just cause you got wifed up or something.  If she knows early that it's part of your routine she'll get used to it and shouldn't expect you to give it up.

Save your money.

Strap it up.  Can't stress this enough, I've seen too many friends going through hardships because they have a child with someone they absolutely hate.  That bitter ex with the fat @#$ you run into drunk one night in the club doesn't want you to move on and have a happy life without her.  She'll get you to smash and impregnate her not because she wants you back, but because she doesn't want you or the woman you end up with to ever NOT have to deal with her.

Also, bustin raw lasts a few seconds... Herpes is forever...

No matter how much you hate a job, do a good job.  If you want to be able to move on from it, you want it to be a good reference, not a bad one.  

Don't lend money out to someone you know isn't gonna pay you back.  If you really want to help them, and they ask to borrow money, do it if you can consider it a gift.  I can think of maybe 2 people I've let borrow money that actually paid me back.

Do what makes you happy, but seriously consider if it's going to make you happy 10, 15, 20 years from now.

When she suggests getting a place together, and tries to say that you guys will be able to smash every day at any time of day to convince you, she's full of !@#$%  I can promise you once you move in, you'll be smashing less than before.  They're not as excited to get it in when they know you live there and they can do it whenever they want, so it gets pushed to the back-burner. 

Take care of your health.  Go to the doctor and the dentist regularly.  While you're young, you can neglect things like this for a while without it seeming like anything is wrong, but there could be long term damage that will be more painful and more expensive to deal with later on down the line.  Eating right and exercising helps but you should know where you stand.  In my case, I eat right and exercise 5 times a week but I have somewhat high cholesterol (stuff like that is hereditary)  I wouldn't know that without an annual physical.

That's it for now.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Save your money
Get and stay healthy and active

While you're young and figuring out HS/College, take your time to decide your  career path.  What you think you want to do coming out of high school may not be what you want by the time you finish college.

Don't ever change your plans for a woman.  If your goal is to live in mom's basement until you get your masters so you don't come out of school in debt, stick with it.  Some girl will convince you to get a place with her, and the next thing you know you're working 40hrs + a week at a job you hate just to pay the bills and you dropped out of grad school 3 years ago...  Oh, and she left you for her spin instructor.

Stay out of debt.  Bills don't go away, no matter how long you ignore them.  A bad credit score takes 7 years to clear off your record, and in that 7 years, you probably haven't been able to build up credit elsewhere, so at the end of 7 years, you don't have bad credit, you have NO credit, which is just as bad.

Don't lose sight of the things you enjoy and are passionate about, just make sure your life is balanced and there's room for other things.  If you play ball on the weekends, don't stop, just cause you got wifed up or something.  If she knows early that it's part of your routine she'll get used to it and shouldn't expect you to give it up.

Save your money.

Strap it up.  Can't stress this enough, I've seen too many friends going through hardships because they have a child with someone they absolutely hate.  That bitter ex with the fat @#$ you run into drunk one night in the club doesn't want you to move on and have a happy life without her.  She'll get you to smash and impregnate her not because she wants you back, but because she doesn't want you or the woman you end up with to ever NOT have to deal with her.

Also, bustin raw lasts a few seconds... Herpes is forever...

No matter how much you hate a job, do a good job.  If you want to be able to move on from it, you want it to be a good reference, not a bad one.  

Don't lend money out to someone you know isn't gonna pay you back.  If you really want to help them, and they ask to borrow money, do it if you can consider it a gift.  I can think of maybe 2 people I've let borrow money that actually paid me back.

Do what makes you happy, but seriously consider if it's going to make you happy 10, 15, 20 years from now.

When she suggests getting a place together, and tries to say that you guys will be able to smash every day at any time of day to convince you, she's full of !@#$%  I can promise you once you move in, you'll be smashing less than before.  They're not as excited to get it in when they know you live there and they can do it whenever they want, so it gets pushed to the back-burner. 

Take care of your health.  Go to the doctor and the dentist regularly.  While you're young, you can neglect things like this for a while without it seeming like anything is wrong, but there could be long term damage that will be more painful and more expensive to deal with later on down the line.  Eating right and exercising helps but you should know where you stand.  In my case, I eat right and exercise 5 times a week but I have somewhat high cholesterol (stuff like that is hereditary)  I wouldn't know that without an annual physical.

That's it for now.

I'm 30 and everything you said not to do I did and punishing right now for itAnd it's harder and harder everyday to get back what I was before
always stay busy making moves.

long term goals all day everyday.

that perfect girl you want is in the 1%. deal with it. what are the odds shes in your city let alone your school or where ever you met her. so protect your heart/mind at all times.

also, you need to be dipped in hurt to be strong.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Save your money
Get and stay healthy and active

While you're young and figuring out HS/College, take your time to decide your  career path.  What you think you want to do coming out of high school may not be what you want by the time you finish college.

Don't ever change your plans for a woman.  If your goal is to live in mom's basement until you get your masters so you don't come out of school in debt, stick with it.  Some girl will convince you to get a place with her, and the next thing you know you're working 40hrs + a week at a job you hate just to pay the bills and you dropped out of grad school 3 years ago...  Oh, and she left you for her spin instructor.

Stay out of debt.  Bills don't go away, no matter how long you ignore them.  A bad credit score takes 7 years to clear off your record, and in that 7 years, you probably haven't been able to build up credit elsewhere, so at the end of 7 years, you don't have bad credit, you have NO credit, which is just as bad.

Don't lose sight of the things you enjoy and are passionate about, just make sure your life is balanced and there's room for other things.  If you play ball on the weekends, don't stop, just cause you got wifed up or something.  If she knows early that it's part of your routine she'll get used to it and shouldn't expect you to give it up.

Save your money.

Strap it up.  Can't stress this enough, I've seen too many friends going through hardships because they have a child with someone they absolutely hate.  That bitter ex with the fat @#$ you run into drunk one night in the club doesn't want you to move on and have a happy life without her.  She'll get you to smash and impregnate her not because she wants you back, but because she doesn't want you or the woman you end up with to ever NOT have to deal with her.

Also, bustin raw lasts a few seconds... Herpes is forever...

No matter how much you hate a job, do a good job.  If you want to be able to move on from it, you want it to be a good reference, not a bad one.  

Don't lend money out to someone you know isn't gonna pay you back.  If you really want to help them, and they ask to borrow money, do it if you can consider it a gift.  I can think of maybe 2 people I've let borrow money that actually paid me back.

Do what makes you happy, but seriously consider if it's going to make you happy 10, 15, 20 years from now.

When she suggests getting a place together, and tries to say that you guys will be able to smash every day at any time of day to convince you, she's full of !@#$%  I can promise you once you move in, you'll be smashing less than before.  They're not as excited to get it in when they know you live there and they can do it whenever they want, so it gets pushed to the back-burner. 

Take care of your health.  Go to the doctor and the dentist regularly.  While you're young, you can neglect things like this for a while without it seeming like anything is wrong, but there could be long term damage that will be more painful and more expensive to deal with later on down the line.  Eating right and exercising helps but you should know where you stand.  In my case, I eat right and exercise 5 times a week but I have somewhat high cholesterol (stuff like that is hereditary)  I wouldn't know that without an annual physical.

That's it for now.
**insert Rock clapping gif**
Solid post; repped 40x, yes misc.

- don't try to figure women out, even the ones that your really close with or "think" you have figured out. Women are influenced by different things at different times so they become erratic and non-logical/sensical. In this time you've probably spent a great deal of time trying to change yourself to fit her. Wrong move. Guys in general are affected by many things but the decisions you make on what to change about yourself should not be made quickly....it should be something you've spent some time dealing with and your doing it to better yourself....not someone else.

- for anyone who is going through really tough times and are considering suicide...rememeber that this small rough patch is only confined to a few moments in the span of your lifetime, and you have far more moments to enjoy your life. Persevere.
PanaRicanRetro wrote:
Save your money
Get and stay healthy and active

While you're young and figuring out HS/College, take your time to decide your  career path.  What you think you want to do coming out of high school may not be what you want by the time you finish college.

Don't ever change your plans for a woman.  If your goal is to live in mom's basement until you get your masters so you don't come out of school in debt, stick with it.  Some girl will convince you to get a place with her, and the next thing you know you're working 40hrs + a week at a job you hate just to pay the bills and you dropped out of grad school 3 years ago...  Oh, and she left you for her spin instructor.

Stay out of debt.  Bills don't go away, no matter how long you ignore them.  A bad credit score takes 7 years to clear off your record, and in that 7 years, you probably haven't been able to build up credit elsewhere, so at the end of 7 years, you don't have bad credit, you have NO credit, which is just as bad.

Don't lose sight of the things you enjoy and are passionate about, just make sure your life is balanced and there's room for other things.  If you play ball on the weekends, don't stop, just cause you got wifed up or something.  If she knows early that it's part of your routine she'll get used to it and shouldn't expect you to give it up.

Save your money.

Strap it up.  Can't stress this enough, I've seen too many friends going through hardships because they have a child with someone they absolutely hate.  That bitter ex with the fat @#$ you run into drunk one night in the club doesn't want you to move on and have a happy life without her.  She'll get you to smash and impregnate her not because she wants you back, but because she doesn't want you or the woman you end up with to ever NOT have to deal with her.

Also, bustin raw lasts a few seconds... Herpes is forever...

No matter how much you hate a job, do a good job.  If you want to be able to move on from it, you want it to be a good reference, not a bad one.  

Don't lend money out to someone you know isn't gonna pay you back.  If you really want to help them, and they ask to borrow money, do it if you can consider it a gift.  I can think of maybe 2 people I've let borrow money that actually paid me back.

Do what makes you happy, but seriously consider if it's going to make you happy 10, 15, 20 years from now.

When she suggests getting a place together, and tries to say that you guys will be able to smash every day at any time of day to convince you, she's full of !@#$%  I can promise you once you move in, you'll be smashing less than before.  They're not as excited to get it in when they know you live there and they can do it whenever they want, so it gets pushed to the back-burner. 

Take care of your health.  Go to the doctor and the dentist regularly.  While you're young, you can neglect things like this for a while without it seeming like anything is wrong, but there could be long term damage that will be more painful and more expensive to deal with later on down the line.  Eating right and exercising helps but you should know where you stand.  In my case, I eat right and exercise 5 times a week but I have somewhat high cholesterol (stuff like that is hereditary)  I wouldn't know that without an annual physical.

That's it for now.

   phenomenal post for this thread...
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

- don't try to figure women out, even the ones that your really close with or "think" you have figured out. Women are influenced by different things at different times so they become erratic and non-logical/sensical. In this time you've probably spent a great deal of time trying to change yourself to fit her. Wrong move. Guys in general are affected by many things but the decisions you make on what to change about yourself should not be made quickly....it should be something you've spent some time dealing with and your doing it to better yourself....not someone else.

- for anyone who is going through really tough times and are considering suicide...rememeber that this small rough patch is only confined to a few moments in the span of your lifetime, and you have far more moments to enjoy your life. Persevere.

This is real talk .. $$$#*+ use men for survival A real women would love you for you
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

post some things you have leaned since growing up -even when your doin bad someone somewhere is doing worse-have fun while you can cuz life is short-you don't need the baddest girl, u need the girl who needs you the baddest- when in doubt whip it out-money over witches -work is only as fun as you make it-not havin a dad in your life makes you a better dad for your son - text first then call-there's a thin line between thirst and being distant, it's hard to master
I'll agree that chasing the "baddest girl" is the wrong way to go.  But I always was taught to seek a woman who DOESNT need you...and I found me a good one
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