.....with a bottle of meds / and a Heath Ledger bobblehead

Eh, it's been over a year. I mean, there's been worse things said. Knowing NT, I'm anticipating a lot of fuss, by the way who's line is it?

the lyrics:

And it's probably where I got acquainted with the taste ain't it?
Pharmaceuticals are the bomb, ma beautiful
She killed the %#%!!% dog with the medicine she done fed it
Feed it a %#%!!% aspirin and say that it has a headache
Here want a snack, you hungry you %#%!!% rat
Look at that, it's a Xanax, take it and take a nap
Eat it, but I don't need it, well @%+@ it then break it up
Take a little piece and beat it before you wake Nathan up
Alright Ma you win, I don't feel like arguin
I'll do it, pop and gobble it and start wobblin
Stumble hobble tumble slip drip then I fall in bed
With a bottle of meds and a Heath Ledger bobblehead
Real talk, I almost feel if anyone is qualified to write that line, it's Em.
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