WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny


Nice use of Christian. Could've made actual use of him and put him in the MITB. Off to a whack start.

Nice use of Christian. Could've made actual use of him and put him in the MITB. Off to a whack start.
Edge went for the spear but Del Rio moved.  Edge ran into the corner, but was able to stop himself.  However, Rodriguez distracted the ref and Brodus Clay pulled Edge shoulder first into the corner.  Del Rio locked on the cross arm breaker.  Edge rolled it over into a pin, but Del Rio kicked out at 2.

Brodus tried to get involved, but Christian hit Clay with a tornado DDT off the apron.  Edge locked on a Sharpshooter, but Del Rio fought out.  As Del Rio turned around, he got hit with a spear from Edge.  Edge made the cover and got the pin.  1-2-3 to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Wish I would have bet this one, was debating it with the long odds all day.
Del Rio should have gone over IMO but I can see why he didn't. Its been less than a year since he entered the E and they probably didn't want him to get the strap too soon.
Edge went for the spear but Del Rio moved.  Edge ran into the corner, but was able to stop himself.  However, Rodriguez distracted the ref and Brodus Clay pulled Edge shoulder first into the corner.  Del Rio locked on the cross arm breaker.  Edge rolled it over into a pin, but Del Rio kicked out at 2.

Brodus tried to get involved, but Christian hit Clay with a tornado DDT off the apron.  Edge locked on a Sharpshooter, but Del Rio fought out.  As Del Rio turned around, he got hit with a spear from Edge.  Edge made the cover and got the pin.  1-2-3 to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.

Wish I would have bet this one, was debating it with the long odds all day.
Del Rio should have gone over IMO but I can see why he didn't. Its been less than a year since he entered the E and they probably didn't want him to get the strap too soon.
Unbelievable what they have done to the US Title. A dark match battle royal that Khali WON? SMH.
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