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Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Orton puts Taker out at wrestlemania next year
Legend Killer

I'd much rather have Taker go against someone he's never faced in Mania, like CM Punk or maybe Cena.  

ip banned
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by masondid

I was thinking the same thing,
Is taker legit out of it you think?
Hell naw...this is the WWE....I'm sure he sore as hell no doubt but he was overselling like hell.
Dude, do you have any idea what you're talking about?  Or do you just like coming in here making stupid posts?

Ok wrestling god...because you know exactly how Taker felt after the match right? Oh...
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by masondid

I was thinking the same thing,
Is taker legit out of it you think?
Hell naw...this is the WWE....I'm sure he sore as hell no doubt but he was overselling like hell.
Dude, do you have any idea what you're talking about?  Or do you just like coming in here making stupid posts?

Ok wrestling god...because you know exactly how Taker felt after the match right? Oh...
What kind of ending did you all want in the Taker/HHH Match?  HHH beat the HELL out of The Undertaker for 20+ minutes.  Did you want him to just get up and walk out like nothing happened?  We complain and complain and complain about guys like Cena and Orton who never sell injuries.  So now when The Undertaker does it the right way, you !#@#% and moan that he's wasting time.  It's no wonder wrestling sucks today.  It's partially WWE's own fault for everything they've done over the years, but people have no patience for a good story to be told.  Yes, I am pretty pissed off.
What kind of ending did you all want in the Taker/HHH Match?  HHH beat the HELL out of The Undertaker for 20+ minutes.  Did you want him to just get up and walk out like nothing happened?  We complain and complain and complain about guys like Cena and Orton who never sell injuries.  So now when The Undertaker does it the right way, you !#@#% and moan that he's wasting time.  It's no wonder wrestling sucks today.  It's partially WWE's own fault for everything they've done over the years, but people have no patience for a good story to be told.  Yes, I am pretty pissed off.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Orton puts Taker out at wrestlemania next year
Legend Killer

I'd much rather have Taker go against someone he's never faced in Mania, like CM Punk or maybe Cena.  

You know it's probably gonna happen though 
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]wow...... a part of my child hood died with snooki winning anything. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and daniel bryan not being on here. yea. still pissed.[/color]
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