WM XXVII Fallout - 4/7 NTWT Maina I Concludes Tonight! - Hombrelobo vs TennHouse | IC Title Tourny

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

What's wrong with ending the match with a submission?

Made Triple H look strong in the end and made it look like Taker got by by the skin of his teeth.

But next year, Taker is really done.

Completely agree.  I love seeing submission finishes every once in a while. I just wish he actually locked it in correctly.

I almost guarantee a rematch next year, and it may be both of their last match.
Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

IF he would have had the Gogoplata actually locked in, I would have had no problem.  It was just like the Silva/Sonnen fight where Sonnen dominated and got caught.  But Taker messed up locking the gogoplata in, so it just didn't work for me.

Plus.... technically The Undertaker was pinned for about 90 seconds.
glad I wasn't the only one that noticed 
I think one shoulder was up so Taker could hold down HHH's head
Originally Posted by ao17

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

IF he would have had the Gogoplata actually locked in, I would have had no problem.  It was just like the Silva/Sonnen fight where Sonnen dominated and got caught.  But Taker messed up locking the gogoplata in, so it just didn't work for me.

Plus.... technically The Undertaker was pinned for about 90 seconds.
glad I wasn't the only one that noticed 
I think one shoulder was up so Taker could hold down HHH's head
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

What's wrong with ending the match with a submission?

Made Triple H look strong in the end and made it look like Taker got by by the skin of his teeth.

But next year, Taker is really done.

Completely agree.  I love seeing submission finishes every once in a while. I just wish he actually locked it in correctly.

I almost guarantee a rematch next year, and it may be both of their last match.
Originally Posted by masondid

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Plus.... technically The Undertaker was pinned for about 90 seconds.
I was thinking the same thing,
Is taker legit out of it you think?
Hell naw...this is the WWE....I'm sure he sore as hell no doubt but he was overselling like hell.
Originally Posted by masondid

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Plus.... technically The Undertaker was pinned for about 90 seconds.
I was thinking the same thing,
Is taker legit out of it you think?
Hell naw...this is the WWE....I'm sure he sore as hell no doubt but he was overselling like hell.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So I guess LeBron will be at WM28?

, I hope so.
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