Women, this is why you're not married

Originally Posted by Ruxxx

^Jus4lafs i've never in my life heard a dude say "maaaaaan she's... she's just TOO nice man... I JUST CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!"
Girls don't even realize that being nice and pleasant makes you that much more beautiful.

This this THIS. I can't even count how many girls failed to catch my eye initially, but after hearing them converse/conversing with them I get the
face. I think the whole nice people finish last notion mostly applies to guys, and even thats arguable.
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
She can only be too "nice" if she doesn't know how to spark up a little bit of playful banter (or bite however you put it) into your relationship. But then again, I've always wanted to be with a nice girl (even in the boring context) it makes relationships simple. Definitely a huge turn on if she's smart and can totally put me into check about international/local issues and can cook up a storm. 
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
It is kind of complicated lol

I agree with not being a push over but i think all it really means is don't be boring.  I dated a girl that was way too nice and broke up with her.  When i say that i mean she bored me to death.  She dressed nice, was hot but just boring.  Never argued (playfully) always said the right things, never got too upset over anything, claimed to be everything i wanted, it's just boring.  She was like a cookie cutter of American society. 

I think it pays to be nice and STAY nice.  But just keep things interesting.

Spoiler [+]
Real Talk: the only girls i tell are too nice are ones I'm not physically attracted to but am good friends with and want that friendship to continue

I think it's men that don't know what you want.... My male friends complain about their GFs nagging and arguing with them constantly, and some of them deserve the nagging and arguing because they bring it on themeselves but others are genuinely good dudes who happen to be with crazy chicks.... then the same friends get a girl that doesn't nag or argue, is easy going, confident and secure with herself and she gets called as "boring".... I don't get it
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
It is kind of complicated lol

I agree with not being a push over but i think all it really means is don't be boring.  I dated a girl that was way too nice and broke up with her.  When i say that i mean she bored me to death.  She dressed nice, was hot but just boring.  Never argued (playfully) always said the right things, never got too upset over anything, claimed to be everything i wanted, it's just boring.  She was like a cookie cutter of American society. 

I think it pays to be nice and STAY nice.  But just keep things interesting.

Spoiler [+]
Real Talk: the only girls i tell are too nice are ones I'm not physically attracted to but am good friends with and want that friendship to continue

I think it's men that don't know what you want.... My male friends complain about their GFs nagging and arguing with them constantly, and some of them deserve the nagging and arguing because they bring it on themeselves but others are genuinely good dudes who happen to be with crazy chicks.... then the same friends get a girl that doesn't nag or argue, is easy going, confident and secure with herself and she gets called as "boring".... I don't get it

eh… ill discuss this with you indepth later… pm me
I swear I told my friend about the nice thing a few months ago. We were out together and met someone at the same time and dude was straight up be like I'm good on your friend. I was like damn she didn't even do anything. I try to tell her a smile goes a long way. Dudes melt over that %%$%.It's getting to the point I don't really like to bring her around other guys like that cuz I already know how it will end.
Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by air max 87

Originally Posted by axel f0ley

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men
this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
It is kind of complicated lol

I agree with not being a push over but i think all it really means is don't be boring.  I dated a girl that was way too nice and broke up with her.  When i say that i mean she bored me to death.  She dressed nice, was hot but just boring.  Never argued (playfully) always said the right things, never got too upset over anything, claimed to be everything i wanted, it's just boring.  She was like a cookie cutter of American society. 

I think it pays to be nice and STAY nice.  But just keep things interesting.

Spoiler [+]
Real Talk: the only girls i tell are too nice are ones I'm not physically attracted to but am good friends with and want that friendship to continue

I think it's men that don't know what you want.... My male friends complain about their GFs nagging and arguing with them constantly, and some of them deserve the nagging and arguing because they bring it on themeselves but others are genuinely good dudes who happen to be with crazy chicks.... then the same friends get a girl that doesn't nag or argue, is easy going, confident and secure with herself and she gets called as "boring".... I don't get it
We don't get it either don't worry.

We complain our chick is crazy....but deep down we love the crazy ones.  We say we want an independent chick....but deep down we are insecure and want a subservient chick.  It makes no sense lol
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 
It is kind of complicated lol

I agree with not being a push over but i think all it really means is don't be boring.  I dated a girl that was way too nice and broke up with her.  When i say that i mean she bored me to death.  She dressed nice, was hot but just boring.  Never argued (playfully) always said the right things, never got too upset over anything, claimed to be everything i wanted, it's just boring.  She was like a cookie cutter of American society. 

I think it pays to be nice and STAY nice.  But just keep things interesting.

Spoiler [+]
Real Talk: the only girls i tell are too nice are ones I'm not physically attracted to but am good friends with and want that friendship to continue

I think it's men that don't know what you want.... My male friends complain about their GFs nagging and arguing with them constantly, and some of them deserve the nagging and arguing because they bring it on themeselves but others are genuinely good dudes who happen to be with crazy chicks.... then the same friends get a girl that doesn't nag or argue, is easy going, confident and secure with herself and she gets called as "boring".... I don't get it
We don't get it either don't worry.

We complain our chick is crazy....but deep down we love the crazy ones.  We say we want an independent chick....but deep down we are insecure and want a subservient chick.  It makes no sense lol

UGH.... I quit

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

So are you guys looking into marrying women with supermodel bodies? If that's your preference,it's all good. If you marry a woman who is very much in shape,it is not guaranteed she will remain that way either,especially once she gets married and after having children. Well, this is unless she is into working out, and she has time in her schedule to exercise, and can make sure her body will bounce back. We can only fight our metabolism so much as we get older.

No, no, no.  What I mean is that nowadays, these girls have big bellies at 18.  Back in the day they didn't look like that.  No problem with getting bigger as you age and developing a little pudge, but these big bellies at 16-18 are outta control. 

   There's an obesity epidemic in this country, especially amongst our youth. people blow up way before they reach early/late adulthood.
man... to keep it real... that lil pudge is sexy sexaaaaay....
lil pudge > flat stomach > stomach  with defined six pack > bootydo > fat stomach.

Originally Posted by jus4lafs

Jking0821 wrote:

air max 87 wrote:

axel f0ley wrote:

most men just want to marry someone who is nice to them. I am the mother of a 13-year-old boy, which is like living with the single-cell protozoa version of a husband. Here's what my son wants out of life: macaroni and cheese, a video game, and Kim Kardashian. Have you ever seen Kim Kardashian angry? I didn't think so. You've seen Kim Kardashian smile, wiggle, and make a sex tape. Female anger terrifies men

this is really the only thing that stuck out to me in the whole article.

I never thought about it....but that is basically all i want in a women.  Some one who is considerate and just nice.  Sad but that is so hard to find these days.  Women have this sense of "you are lucky I am even talking to you".  When i first meet a girl if she smiles says hi and just laughs at a dumb or corny joke then I am sold.

Spoiler [+]
She should be considerate, nice, have dat mass and be a dime
  because this is NT bruh bruh

Good article... I agree with most of the things, but is this what dudes really want tho?? A "nice" girl??

I'm forever being told that I'm too nice... I didn't even know there was such a thing. Maybe I just have a way of finding dudes that are looking for miserable, selfish chicks... So please enlighten me NT, can a girl be too nice?? 

You can't be too nice to your man, all men want a positive vibe chick. I was w/ one but the relationship ended partially b/c she didnt realize there was a line btwn nice and being a pushover. You should always be nice but show a backbone and stand up for issues that you are passionate about, more importantly stand up for your man in situations he cant say ++*# (against your "friends" or other females). Its a fine line, too damn fine sometimes. But being nice on a day to day basis to him and the rest of the world is necessary imo. But make sure you don't get walked over.
Originally Posted by scshift

Men are in their prime from 20 all the way to 50+, women usually from 20-30.

It's probably because men are usually valued for their power and wealth while women are usually valued for youth and attractiveness. Power and wealth never leaves
I wish that wasn't the truth

Very good article though, very truthful
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