Working a 9-5 sucks hOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS

There is a thin line between being lazy and wanting to "pursue" da dream and not being tied down to a job....I wonder which side of the line some of ya fall in.
Man y'all are doing it wrong! I "work" 100 days a year. My schedule is two 24 hour shifts out of every 8 days, with 5 days off in a row. I even get a full 24 hrs off between my two 24 hr shifts! Look up any job satisfaction survey and firefighter is always in the top 5. I have so much time off I run out of things to do sometimes. I basically work another full time job with the amount of OT I work, which pays 1.5x. I get to sleep at night, take naps during the day, chill with my boys, watch movies, read, workout, eat, study, side hustle on eBay, etc all while on the clock! Only time I'm working is some routine cleaning, daily training, responding to some EMS calls and the occasional fire. Ladies love us, their dudes hate us. The life.

I'll be making 6 figures (with OT) in the next 5 years and I've only been on the job for 3 years. Plus I have a great pension with a DROP plan so I will not be relying on a 401k or social security. Best blue collar job out there.

You white collars can have the desk and more pay, I'll take my happiness and job satisfaction!
Man y'all are doing it wrong! I "work" 100 days a year. My schedule is two 24 hour shifts out of every 8 days, with 5 days off in a row. I even get a full 24 hrs off between my two 24 hr shifts! Look up any job satisfaction survey and firefighter is always in the top 5. I have so much time off I run out of things to do sometimes. I basically work another full time job with the amount of OT I work, which pays 1.5x. I get to sleep at night, take naps during the day, chill with my boys, watch movies, read, workout, eat, study, side hustle on eBay, etc all while on the clock! Only time I'm working is some routine cleaning, daily training, responding to some EMS calls and the occasional fire. Ladies love us, their dudes hate us. The life.

I'll be making 6 figures (with OT) in the next 5 years and I've only been on the job for 3 years. Plus I have a great pension with a DROP plan so I will not be relying on a 401k or social security. Best blue collar job out there.

You white collars can have the desk and more pay, I'll take my happiness and job satisfaction!

yeah my bro-in-law is a firefighter, seems like an awesome job, the academy is hell tho....but now dude is making good money doing something he enjoys.
I realized when I was in highschool working at a grocery store that that **** ain't for me.

But i'll do it again once I graduate college :smh:

I'm an officer in the Navy and for all the BS you deal with in the military, one of the highlights is that everyday is different.

UGA grad c/o 2010 here. Enjoy your time in college. Things are never that good again, I took it for granted.
I'm an officer in the Navy and for all the BS you deal with in the military, one of the highlights is that everyday is different.

UGA grad c/o 2010 here. Enjoy your time in college. Things are never that good again, I took it for granted.

USAF my dude. I wake up loving life
Yea nothing worse than making someone else money. Also being in traffic with the rest of the drone trolls.

All in all, were spoiled, lazy, and too comfortable to make risks. Like dude said its not hustling its settling. That hit me hard. Thing is, quotes, motivational stuff usually sticks around me for about 3 days max. Gotta change that.
I hate school and I'm lazy when it comes to anything I'm not interested in​

Do not want a boring office job . . . but I am also not about that bum on the street life​

Hopefully will work a job until I can save up to put money into something that will make money for me, like a couple of Laundromats or something, and then pursue my real passions​

If I could create and just get paid . . .​

Pharrell was right when he said that school is designed to breed worker bees . . .​

Son, this is me to the tee. I'm 19 and about to have to hold down a Dunkin' Donuts job because none of the tons of other positions I've applied to will mess with me :smh:

I start CC in January after a semester off and I have no idea what the next move is, but I guess no longer being broke will be a start if the job pans out. :\
I don't miss college one bit and most people can still live that life.

Before I left college I had 7 stacked up. Got a job paid rent up for 1 year. So basically I was worry free. Bills only $200 a month . Made sure I had new car before I left college courtesy of financial aid etc

I picked a job that allowed me to call in a lot or leave when I wanted to but the job was less pay starting out at $12.50 call center tech job but I worked around nothing but girls. Call center was huge and I was living that life.

Attendance policy was u can get 9 points u til the fire you. 1 call in equals 1 point. But the thing is if you come to work 3 weeks straight it wipes off record and regardless all points 6 months old wipe off. Also if I wanted days off all I had to do is just give 2 week notice. I had 4 days work week Thurs Fri sat off so I would take sun Mon off a lot to have a 5 day weekend to screw around or travel, come back to work Tuesday and wed then have thus Fri sat my regular days off . Always took Sunday off.

I was worry free and still are and I don't take out huge bills. People use to be like your never at work how do you

Plan ahead stack up 7 before graduating and get a new car.. pay rent up 1 year and your set. My rent was $600 a month and I told the landlord would if I got cash for rest of lease. He said brother (lit a cig and exhaled) if u got full case I'll knock off 1 month rent. Gave him a little $6,500 for a year rent. It was a nice 2 bedroom place. I also let a girl stay with me for like 4 months and she was paying $300 a month for everything. By end of year I saved like 18k and paid another year rent on same place and still had over 10k in my account. Stayed at that job and same apt 4 years by the time I quit I had close 75k saved of course I had a small side hustle worked at car wash day a week or so that brought extra $150 a week/$600 a month that i that I saved all the money as well 7,200k. Anyway after the 4 years bought a double wide new modular home cash for like 35k. 2 years later bought a home and paid 70% of it cash bank didn't even care about my credit be a use they knew house was way worth more then what they financed me. Still had plenty saved, plus I was renting out my modular home I had bought 2 years before getting $550 a month which was really paying my house off. Mortgage was like $300 a month so out that $550 pay my mortgage and taxes insurance

So I always lived that life. I'm young my 2500 Sq foot house is paid off. I ain't got no worries.

All I did was save a lot when I worked my job after school. Stayed there for like 4 years. Of course I still took other college courses and earning my associate in business while working

never had worry not even to this day. I took the lesser paying job on purpose because I knew it allowed me to take a lot of time off. Other companies want you to be their robot.

So I used the free time off work to travel network and start my own business, school and now I work for myself

I turned down 40k a year job for $12.50 hour and by time I quit I was at $14. Everybody thought I was crazy but I knew my plan. Now they still working at same job like robots and I got my own business

Money isn't everything. I'm a firm believer happiness over money. You make the choice but remember always have a plan
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Ironically I was just watching an episode of the office where Jim talks about hating his job. That show depresses me now. I sincerely hope I don't end up like that
Man y'all are doing it wrong! I "work" 100 days a year. My schedule is two 24 hour shifts out of every 8 days, with 5 days off in a row. I even get a full 24 hrs off between my two 24 hr shifts! Look up any job satisfaction survey and firefighter is always in the top 5. I have so much time off I run out of things to do sometimes. I basically work another full time job with the amount of OT I work, which pays 1.5x. I get to sleep at night, take naps during the day, chill with my boys, watch movies, read, workout, eat, study, side hustle on eBay, etc all while on the clock! Only time I'm working is some routine cleaning, daily training, responding to some EMS calls and the occasional fire. Ladies love us, their dudes hate us. The life.

I'll be making 6 figures (with OT) in the next 5 years and I've only been on the job for 3 years. Plus I have a great pension with a DROP plan so I will not be relying on a 401k or social security. Best blue collar job out there.

You white collars can have the desk and more pay, I'll take my happiness and job satisfaction!
Dray here

I'm going to try to be a firefighter, u inspired me. I still kick myself for not applying where they were hiring and facing backlash for not hiring minorities fairly.
Just put a plan in place 5 year plan to start to make sure you live worry free.

Funny thing is I had a lot more spendable cash then people with 50k a year jobs
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Man y'all are doing it wrong! I "work" 100 days a year. My schedule is two 24 hour shifts out of every 8 days, with 5 days off in a row. I even get a full 24 hrs off between my two 24 hr shifts! Look up any job satisfaction survey and firefighter is always in the top 5. I have so much time off I run out of things to do sometimes. I basically work another full time job with the amount of OT I work, which pays 1.5x. I get to sleep at night, take naps during the day, chill with my boys, watch movies, read, workout, eat, study, side hustle on eBay, etc all while on the clock! Only time I'm working is some routine cleaning, daily training, responding to some EMS calls and the occasional fire. Ladies love us, their dudes hate us. The life.

I'll be making 6 figures (with OT) in the next 5 years and I've only been on the job for 3 years. Plus I have a great pension with a DROP plan so I will not be relying on a 401k or social security. Best blue collar job out there.

You white collars can have the desk and more pay, I'll take my happiness and job satisfaction!

My neighbor is a firefighter. I never knew he was gone 48 hours every 8 days. So his girl is their home lonely for 2 days. I'm going to try and smash this weekend.

Got to love them firefighters!!!!
My job is very physical but after 8 months moving and sorting mail it barely feels like work anymore. BUT my shift is TERRIBLE. 6pm-2am...

Evenings are shot. No dinners... No hanging out. Sleep during the day. and without your evenings and weekends.. good luck putting in work to bag a chick you can call at 3:30am when you get home and get relaxed. 
I don't miss college one bit and most people can still live that life.

Money isn't everything. I'm a firm believer happiness over money. You make the choice but remember always have a plan

SUPERB! strong s/n correlation

thanks for sharing that awesome story, madd props b

This is how I currently feel. I'm still in high school but I've already made up my mind to not fall victim to the cookie cutter system. I wanna start my own business but a can't find an investor, **** is hard coming from low income neighborhoods.
Mane this 9-5 **** SUCKS :x .....but gotta get that money somehow so it is what it is ...I just hope i dont end up one of those ppl that say i aint gonna be doing this for a long time but b4 I know it im 30+ years deep in this bs :smh:
Mane this 9-5 **** SUCKS :x .....but gotta get that money somehow so it is what it is ...I just hope i dont end up one of those ppl that say i aint gonna be doing this for a long time but b4 I know it im 30+ years deep in this bs :smh:

I've been working a 9-5 for a year straight now... the amount of time that has passed so quickly is ******g alarming... And i'm one that goes out frequently i live in NYC so their's plenty to do but it's still crazy at how bland this **** could get. Don't get me wrong i'm grateful that i have a job because many don't even have that but man 30+ years of this is like dying a slow death.

This year i just wanna save as much as possible and set myself up in a position to make money for myself. There are good arguments on both sides but America in general builds you from the second you enter a school building to be a worker, the earlier you realize that this isn't how life is supposed to be lived the better, however that wall of fear is instilled and that's slowly what i'm crushing everyday once that fear is gone you can truly live.
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Mane this 9-5 **** SUCKS :x .....but gotta get that money somehow so it is what it is ...I just hope i dont end up one of those ppl that say i aint gonna be doing this for a long time but b4 I know it im 30+ years deep in this bs :smh:

I've been working a 9-5 for a year straight now... the amount of time that has passes so quickly is ******g alarming... And i'm one that goes out frequently i live in NYC so their's plenty to do but it's still crazy at how bland this **** could get. Don't get me wrong i'm grateful that i have a job because many don't even have that but man 30+ years of this is like dying a slow death.

This year i just wanna save as much as possible and set myself up in a position to make money for myself. There are good arguments on both sides but America in general builds you from the second you enter a school building to be a worker, the earlier you realize that this isn't how life is supposed to be lived the better, however that wall of fear is instilled and that's slowly what i'm crushing everyday once that fear is gone you can truly live.
Yup i feel you, im trying to save money/work on a plan to do something for myself while im working my current right about the system tho..unless you not scared to take a chance or have a good idea for something you basically set up for going to school, finding a job that pays the bills then working that for as long as possible till the end :smh:
I've been working a 9-5 for a year straight now... the amount of time that has passes so quickly is ******g alarming... And i'm one that goes out frequently i live in NYC so their's plenty to do but it's still crazy at how bland this **** could get. Don't get me wrong i'm grateful that i have a job because many don't even have that but man 30+ years of this is like dying a slow death.

This year i just wanna save as much as possible and set myself up in a position to make money for myself. There are good arguments on both sides but America in general builds you from the second you enter a school building to be a worker, the earlier you realize that this isn't how life is supposed to be lived the better, however that wall of fear is instilled and that's slowly what i'm crushing everyday once that fear is gone you can truly live.


all true words
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