Worst beer you've ever had?

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

sreggie101 wrote:

sonunox34 wrote:

ninjallamafromhell wrote:

Corona or Pabst Blue Ribbon.

corona really? cmon dude...

id say pabst, the beast and

That looks terrible. Looks like bad gatorade in a glass bottle.

And I'm with him on Corona that stuff is not worth anyone's time. Dos Equus is where it's at


yea it really is...
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

All beer tastes nasty to me

You gotta get accustomed to it before you start to like it. It's like the ugly girl with the
personality. If you start off drinking bad beer and continue drinking bad beeryou'll always hate it. But if you start getting into craft beers and the better mainstream beers, trying different stuff and finding something that mesheswith your palette than you will start to enjoy beer more. I know when I first started drinking it, it tasted like liquified bread
I'm curious as to what kind of beer palate you have and what you would recommend.

I don't consider myself a beer snob by any means... more so a well grizzled veteran of beer consumption?

Turn me onto some new stuff man. What should I be looking for? My go-to daily domestic for the last 10 years has been Bud Light. I know people think its trash but I just grew up on it and am so used to it. If I'm not drinking the BL's it's usually $3 pints of Blue Moon, $2 if the Dow is down for the day (thats the promotion my local bar runs during Happy Hour and that is the cheapest pint you're gonna find in Santa Monica).

Easily worst beer/malt liquor I've ever had was Steel Reserve. That stuff is just trash and gave me a killer hangover after drinkin em all night.

Suggestions? Tips? What beer should I be drinking that is gonna blow my mind?
It's going to be hard to recommend stuff to you if you don't have many things to go off of. If all you normally drink are things like BudLight or Blue Moon, you probably won't have too much of a taste for hops. But you will friend, you will.

You're in California.. that's a good thing. There's a lot of good beer on the west coast - the best bet? You need to sort've build up to theharsher stuff, so you want to start seeking out the best local breweries you have and trying some of their lagers, hefe's/wheats, and ambers. Even somebrown ales are going to be pretty easy to drink.

When you can start to appreciate that sort of stuff - you're going to start developing a taste for hops, because their beers are all going to be muchstronger in flavor than any of the macro stuff you drink. From there, move into your Pale Ale's and India Pale Ale's, some of your"imperial" stuff, and maybe you'll develop a taste for more Belgian style of beers.

I could definitely recommend some stuff to you - but a place like beeradvocate.com is going to be able to help a lot more I think.

But for the record, some of my favorites of late that you could probably find out your way? Green Flash Hop Head Red & Bell's Two Hearted Ale.
Originally Posted by UGK4Life

worst beer ive ever had is "Beast" aka Milwaukee's Best...gross as hell...

Tyler- I'm ashamed of that answer...lol. As someone from the Milwaukee area you should be all over that *cough*College Parties*cough*

that or some Natty ice...
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Heineken is the worst of the popular, well-known beers. That stuff is undrinkable.

I was just telling someone the same thing today.

That *%+! is nasty. Coronas are pretty wack too.
Wamiester (sp) German beer that was piss poor. Probably the German equivilent of Natty Ice.
Lucky Force 8, only way i can drink these is if i slam them.
But for 8% alc and $5.25 for a 4 pack, can't go wrong.
Heineken. Can't even finish a single bottle of that crap. Whatever is remaining in that green bottle will be poured and absorbed on the asphalt surface.

at Coors being mentioned. Different strokes for differentfolks, I guess.
There is a micro brewery in Wisconsin that brews this stuff called "Uff Da" beer. Simply undrinkable...
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Heineken. Can't even finish a single bottle of that crap. Whatever is remaining in that green bottle will be poured and absorbed on the asphalt surface.

at Coors being mentioned. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

This is true because Heineken but I cant stand coors....

On another note... I was thinking about trying Sam adams October fest tonight...
any reviews on it???
After some reading, I finally decided to try Samuel Adams.
The only stores by me carry the Cherry Wheat & Boston
Lager. I got the Cherry Wheat and found it to be pretty
good. The Boston Lager is up next, but I really wanna try
that Octoberfest.

What other flavors do they have that are good?
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