Worst feeling in the world....

Originally Posted by moe200069

Originally Posted by y0ung j33zy

Sitting down taking a duece and in the middle of it you realize you have no toilet paper

all you can do is
and look around for other things to wipe with.

Paper towels FTL
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I just found out I have terminal cancer, but I guess this is up there too
no way i'm the only one who didn't miss this post.

idk if you forreal tho homie. but whether you are or you aren't,
sit down, have a good meal and make sure to have a fork.
Originally Posted by firered18

the worst is when you poured the drink but left it in the kitchen lol
even worse, when you fill up your cup right as the carton empties, then you go to throw the carton away, and you end up throwing the drink in thetrash instead.
its happened to me on a few occasions

EDIT: post 200

im almost a registered member...
Or when you get home from a long, tiring @@@ day and you fall asleep on the couch only to be waken up at like 11 by your mother who's telling you to vacuumadn dump the garbage. And then after you do that youre not tired anymore and you end up staying up all night.
When your warehouse full of clones gets destroyed, and you realize there is no other body to transfer your life force into if you die again. You now only hasone life to live...profound.
I always forget the Ketchup on the shelf.
at this whole thread.

Man, that's why I have insomnia, like the other guy said in this thread. Right when you lay down and you're all set in your bed, you have to go pee.And it's never a long good piss, it's just a squirt.
Looking up, and seeing that theres no toilet paper...

Now THAT sucks.


EDIT: Booo.. someone beat me to it! Haha.
What the OP posted, ALMOST EXACTLY HAPPENS to me MOST of the time.

ALMOST EXACTLY because....

I don't forget the fork..

but because I have to PEE.
yeah i hate that too. Almost as much as I hate not checking for toilet paper before taking a mean one. Or sitting down to blaze and realizing that someone gotyou for your lighter.
fool...i thought you were gonna say some one came overunannounced...casue thats happen to me and that def dont rock
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