Worst injury feeling ever

Aug 10, 2003
just like the title says what is the worst injury you ever felt? luckily i havent experienced anything major with a broken bone so i am thankful for that...but tonight after having a decent size alcohol beverage at home i was feeling nice i know i am washed lmao...i was upstairs bringing my empty cup downstairs to the kitchen sink when i hit my foot on the steel railing pretty hard.... got a pretty big cut on my second toe...nothing crazy but was a decent cut that was bleeding where i needed a bandaid on it...not going to call the ER so no its not serious but it was a small inconvenience that hurt a little bit but nothing major....but back to the original question what was the worst injury you ever felt or got?
Used muscle rub around the 1st month in discovering the 5 knuckle shuffle. Physically its probably the worst 10 to 15 mins I can recall living.

Edit. Just thought of this remarkable video:

"I'll put it on mine. I'll put it on mine. I'll let you ****ing watch me, I'm sorry."
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mouth pains when you don’t know what the cause is

had a few fractures always on my left hand lmao, used to do insane wrestling moves when i was a kid, fractured My Middle finger and pinky atleast 3 times each, the doctor was actually like “ you again zain” lmao
Lower back pains hurt like a mofo too

worst I’ve ever heard though.. a friend of mines was smashing his girl, while she was riding him, idk she had the idea of standing up and like just sitting hard on his ****, when she landed something cracked and after heading to the hospital doctor told him “ dude you broke your ****” , in the ambulance him and his girl remember the paramedics laughing when they told them the story of what happened
he said it was the worst pain he’s ever felt. Most surprising was doctor said he sees it often lmao.
He told me it was the weirdest cast ever , recovery was about 4 months, dude apparently couldn’t get aroused at all for like a week
I cringe every time I think about it bruh, has to be horrendous
Slipped back in the day as kid and a stick went through my hand when I was trying to brace my fall. All things considered that was probably the worst. Doctors totally ****ed up and didn't get all the stick out. Ended up having to reopen my hand and pull a half inch of stick out of my hand a few months later.
Slipped back in the day as kid and a stick went through my hand when I was trying to brace my fall. All things considered that was probably the worst. Doctors totally ****ed up and didn't get all the stick out. Ended up having to reopen my hand and pull a half inch of stick out of my hand a few months later.
Holy **** wtf
like literally went Through your hand?
I had fallen off a motorcycle doing 30 in La in some neighborhood. On my birthday, on the way to get yambs. Walked my bike the rest of the way bloody and cut up. Spent the rest of the night taking shots and getting rocks picked out.

got stabbed in the leg in a fist fight when I was 16. Didn’t hurt at first, but when the adrenaline was down and the healing began.

root canal.

I got hit by a car on highway 99, car was doing 35-40 I flipped up and landed, destroyed her windshield. Picked up my glasses and joint & dipped straight for a bar to finish watching the Seahawks game.

Almost cut The tip of my thumb off at work tryna cut a steel tube. Dipped it in hot glue, put on some duck tape and kept it pushing for 3 days, when I took it off it just happened to heal back

last thing I can think of cigarette to the pinky

Oh and bitten by a spider and I tried to just let it “heal” on it’s own and then had to go to the ER cause **** got big as a grape under my skin, doctor had to lance it and scrape the **** and stuff out and then stuff a string in there & I had to pull it out 3 days later. **** hurt like a beeeeee
Had really bad sciatica when deadlifting about 2 years ago. I was deadlifting 405 and was so determined to pull up to a 500Lb deadlift

it was so bad I couldn’t bend down without almost crying cause it hurt so bad. This injury lasted for 6+ month and I couldn’t do any lower body movements.

thus injury taught me 3 things:

1. always listen to your body when lifting/working out. Better to be in it for the long run.

2. With lower back injuries, the worst thing to do is lay down all day. You gotta stretch it out consistently + do body weight movements. Baby steps

3. perception. Setbacks should be seen as opportunity to grow rather than wasted time.

I ended up deadlifting 507lbs in competition last December
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I had a really sever panic attack last year where it literally felt like my heart was exploding and my body couldn’t move. I was laying down just not being able to move your body is terrifying
As a kid (around 5 ), fell off my bike going down a street (steepness was equivalent to a blue run). These were the non helmet days. When I rolled the down the street, palms hit the pavement the most. You could literally see the flesh in both my palms as a kid. Had no palm lines for weeks. Luckily, didn't get a concussion. Probably was crying more so because I could see my flesh moreso than the pain

Also as kid (around 7), had my leg pressed against a VW buggy muffler that was just recently running. Burned a muffler circle at the side of my lower leg. The scar was there for about a decade 😂😂😂.

Luckily as adult, no crazy sports injuries or accidents.
Burned my forearm in my old job splashing hot oil all over it. Had big boils around my forearm. Had to be careful not to sleep on my arm for couple weeks. Got a pic of it

Was squatting in the gym and out of nowhere just felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I just fell apart and couldnt get up and had to go to the ER. Forgot what the doctor said but i still get bothered by it every once in awhile

Slipped on the wet floor during work and banged my head on the concrete floor. Made a small crack in my skull and had a mild concussion. Had to go the ER. That first night my vision was all colors in front of me like the aurora borealis no matter how many times i rubbed my eyes or blinked. I thought my vision was done
I had fallen off a motorcycle doing 30 in La in some neighborhood. On my birthday, on the way to get yambs. Walked my bike the rest of the way bloody and cut up. Spent the rest of the night taking shots and getting rocks picked out.

got stabbed in the leg in a fist fight when I was 16. Didn’t hurt at first, but when the adrenaline was down and the healing began.

root canal.

I got hit by a car on highway 99, car was doing 35-40 I flipped up and landed, destroyed her windshield. Picked up my glasses and joint & dipped straight for a bar to finish watching the Seahawks game.

Almost cut The tip of my thumb off at work tryna cut a steel tube. Dipped it in hot glue, put on some duck tape and kept it pushing for 3 days, when I took it off it just happened to heal back

last thing I can think of cigarette to the pinky

Oh and bitten by a spider and I tried to just let it “heal” on it’s own and then had to go to the ER cause **** got big as a grape under my skin, doctor had to lance it and scrape the **** and stuff out and then stuff a string in there & I had to pull it out 3 days later. **** hurt like a beeeeee

hope you’re riding safe bruh. I’ve seen a motorcycle crash right in front of my on a highway while I was driving. I got shooked when I saw him crash. Dude wasn’t wearing a jacket either so his whole skin on his arms looked like pastrami
I had fallen off a motorcycle doing 30 in La in some neighborhood. On my birthday, on the way to get yambs. Walked my bike the rest of the way bloody and cut up. Spent the rest of the night taking shots and getting rocks picked out.

got stabbed in the leg in a fist fight when I was 16. Didn’t hurt at first, but when the adrenaline was down and the healing began.

I got hit by a car on highway 99, car was doing 35-40 I flipped up and landed, destroyed her windshield. Picked up my glasses and joint & dipped straight for a bar to finish watching the Seahawks game.

Almost cut The tip of my thumb off at work tryna cut a steel tube. Dipped it in hot glue, put on some duck tape and kept it pushing for 3 days, when I took it off it just happened to heal back

Oh and bitten by a spider and I tried to just let it “heal” on it’s own and then had to go to the ER cause **** got big as a grape under my skin, doctor had to lance it and scrape the **** and stuff out and then stuff a string in there & I had to pull it out 3 days later. **** hurt like a beeeeee

Bro....what :lol: Glad you’re okay. You’ve had a wild life, my dude. I hope you can avoid other injuries in the future because you seem to have gotten pretty lucky.
Dislocated my shoulder in football. The ball of my humerus was sitting in my armpit. The worst part was, my coach couldn’t put it back into place, so I had to wait an hour for the Ambulance to arrive. I was going in and out of consciousness during the wait.

they gave me a morphine IV during the ambulance ride, then 2 OxyContin at the hospital.
In order:

Having a chest tube inbetween my ribs for 3 days after lung surgery. Nothing comes even remotely close to that degree of pain. It was way more painful than my kneecap dislocation, even though the doctors put me on so much painkillers that I could barely keep my eyes open. Every bit of movement was beyond excruciating and the worst part was that I had a daily CT scan that required me to sit up.

Dislocating my kneecap and subsequent kneecap stabilization surgery

Dislocating my jaw twice, left and right
A stick perforated my ear drum as a kid. A stick was stuck on our car and my sister yanked it out and it went straight in my ear. Smh
Lower back injury.

be safe when squatting. Always warm up and use proper form.

Couldn’t bend down. Couldn’t grab my water. I was literally stuck, standing up. Went to the locker room tried to take squat shoes off, impossible.

so I lifted my knee to my chest and held it there for 20 seconds or so, and I was able to bend a little more.

it was bad.

there’s a time I got stuck in the bed with a lower back injury as well. Couldn’t move for nothing.
I broke my neck on a bouncy castle when I was 15. Well technically the guy landing on me broke my neck, but still... a ****ing bouncy castle.
I broke my neck on a bouncy castle when I was 15. Well technically the guy landing on me broke my neck, but still... a ****ing bouncy castle.

I work occasionally at children's hospitals, those bouncy houses are death traps.
When I was a teenager playing ball, I rolled on my ankle. That probably has to be the one worst injuries that I had. Also, one time I fell from the stairs in the basement and onto to the floor...I injured one side of my body.. From my hip to the side of my leg.
I wrestled in college and had shoulder issues throughout my career. At a meet in Iowa I came down on it funny and it popped out, as it frequently did. Usually it would slide back in after a few seconds, but this time it wouldn’t budge. Same as poster above, I could feel the ball of bone in my side. First all of the trainers at the event took turns trying to slide it back in, then all of the coaches. After about 10-15 minutes of what seemed like everyone taking a turn, I was put in an ambulance.

Ambulance ride was the worst. Roads were icy and snowy and you could feel the vehicle sliding around some. With every move, I could feel the bone sliding and digging into my side. Most awkward feeling of my life, excruciating pain, felt like my arm wasn’t connected to my body. Upon arriving at hospital, the doctor sat me up in a chair. I looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breathe out. Shoulder slid right back into place.

Thankfully my school paid for my surgery to have it repaired and I was able to compete the next couple of years with no issues. As a coach, whenever I have an athlete with a shoulder dislocation, I sit them up in a chair and tell them to take a big breath out. Usually works.
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