Worst Pain You've Ever Been In. Vol Tonsils

I had food poisoning a while back because I ate two-day old Costco Rotisserie Chicken. Within hours, was repeatedly throwing up and had diarrhea for 3 hours. I went to take a shower and I guess the energy being expended to getting it made me dehydrated so I almost blacked out and drinking shower water literally kept me conscious. If I didn't drink water, I'm pretty sure I would have woke up in the hospital injured from the fall with IVs strapped to me. Right when me and my dad got in the freeway to get me to a hospital, I felt good again. Needless to say, I stayed the hell away from chicken for months, learned my lesson not to underestimate food safety and realized bad food can smell and taste perfectly fine. Technically, I wasn't in pain, but stomach pain is a whole nother category of discomfort.
kingkoopa kingkoopa
Nothing like you guys but I've had nighttime quad cramps that made me want to cut my legs off.
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