Worst Pain You've Ever Been In. Vol Tonsils

Separated shoulder last year, grade 3

Especially after surgery the first night... horrible
I’m on anxiety medication and I went on a vacation a few months back and forgot to bring them. So for about 5-6 days I didn’t take them. That’s when the withdrawal symptoms started kicking in. I ended up having a weeklong nonstop migraine, insomnia, increased depression etc. now I didn’t realize the not taking the meds was the issue until after I saw my doctor that prescribed them. I thought I’d be fine for a few days. Nope. Going cold turkey is not what I’ll be doing again
Got in a car accident. Nothing about the accident hurt more than what I got from the catheter. I broke my arm in half, saw my own guts but all that had nothing on the bladder spasms.

Imagine holding your piss to the max for 3 days. Like the worst you ever had to piss times 10 constant for 3 days straight. Morphine didn’t do a damn thing. :lol:

Turns out they put it in wrong and once the urologist came in on Monday she fixed it in 30 seconds. :lol:

Jesus Christ. That's crazy man. Glad your ok.
One lady online described childbirth like trying to poop out a watermelon. I always wonder if there was anything truth to this.

Yes, I read it on NT.

And sincerely hope I didn't offend.

Actual delivery wasnt bad. the contractions were. I made it to 8cm and was like nah...give me the drugs g. But i know females who have done it without. My nephews mother went all natural and she popped blood vessels in her eyes from pushing so hard. My nephew has a huge head so there is no way in hell.
Actual delivery wasnt bad. the contractions were. I made it to 8cm and was like nah...give me the drugs g. But i know females who have done it without. My nephews mother went all natural and she popped blood vessels in her eyes from pushing so hard. My nephew has a huge head so there is no way in hell.

i think i had a sprained shoulder... not sure what it was but it hurt a lot... i couldnt move my right arm at all without pain... i couldnt even sleep thats how bad the pain was...the doctor gave me a shot in my shoulder and all was forgotten... didnt need surgery or anything... long story short i was drunk coming out the bar and tripped on the curb and fell face first... i was just walking and didnt even know a curb was there and tripped hard AF
I have a tooth on my left side that is in serious need of a root canal (probably extraction), about a year ago I was at work chilling and I went downstairs for a snack and I bought one of those Japanese rice balls with Chicken. I took a bite out of it on that same left side of my mouth and it was like....man I cant even describe the pain. I emailed my supervisor and told him I needed to go downstairs for a minute. I took like 4 advils and went to the bar to drink some Guiness to drunk me up. I havent felt sharp stinging pain like that in my life. The nerve of that tooth is messed up and for months I avoided eating on that side of my mouth. The crazy thing is is that im done doing freelance work so I have full time health insurance again so Im gonna go see a dentist but it hasnt bothered me at all in a while.

Im lucky to have never broken a bone or anything, but im telling you damaged nerve in a tooth and biting something down into that literally shocks you in probably the worst pain in history
Got snuck by a dude with a combination lock on his fist.

One right hook opened the side of my face not even 2cm next to my right eye. Had to get stitched up........ Hurt like **** but not more than him gettin killed before i could get my get back.

You dont kno pain until the opps die before you can catch them, feel robbed. Forever.
I've had two bone graphs on my mouth. Took bone from my hip and put it up in my mouth. First one didn't take so I had to have it done again. Mouth hurt like a MFer.
I’m on anxiety medication and I went on a vacation a few months back and forgot to bring them. So for about 5-6 days I didn’t take them. That’s when the withdrawal symptoms started kicking in. I ended up having a weeklong nonstop migraine, insomnia, increased depression etc. now I didn’t realize the not taking the meds was the issue until after I saw my doctor that prescribed them. I thought I’d be fine for a few days. Nope. Going cold turkey is not what I’ll be doing again
I was on antidepressants for a very brief period a few years back. They stressed the importance of not going cold turkey and contact them if i want to stop. Typically i don't follow directions like this but i took heed and contacted them when i was ready to stop. It was something like take half a pill one day, skip a day, take a whole pill etc. The next few weeks was crazy, i randomly felt intense tremors, like 10 times stronger than any tremor that I've felt before. And i could feel when it was approaching. Not painful but just trippy. I could only imagine the experience of not weened off properly.
Can’t remember if I posted in here already.

Number 1 worst pain: was swinging on a rope swing when I was little. Back behind our house. There was a metal car trailer near where I was swinging. I swung in a big circle and didn’t see how close I was to the trailer and tagged that thang while full spread eagle. Going pretty fast. Basically my balls went into my stomach. I was in so much pain that I actually fainted.

Number 2 worst pain: dislocated my shoulder during football practice in high school. Coach couldn’t put it back into place so I had to wait for the paramedics. I played out in the country so it took about an hour. I laid on the ground with the ball of my shoulder joint sitting in the bottom of my armpit. It was disgusting and excruciating. I was in pain so long that my body ran out of endorphins.

Cool thing was when the ambulance got there, they immediately hooked me up with a morphine IV. I was on cloud 9 on the way to the hospital :pimp:
Strep throat - Got so bad I couldn't talk & had to go to da hospital :sick::sick::sick:.

Stomach virus - Was in bed "curled up like fried shrimp" word to Fabolous :lol:.
I was septic on a red eye flight from cancun back to socal (7 hours), I literally thought I was going to die.

my family picked me up went to st jude, where they misdiagnosed me and sent me home, the next day i went to whittier pres hospital and had emergency surgery - was kept in the hospital for about a week.

after i got discharged ... i went outside and felt the sun on my face and knelt on the cement and gave thanks.
Feel your pain. I had an abscess on my intestine rupture in March. It was actually a fistula which means it grew large enough to connect two neighboring organs. I had to have emergency surgery because I was septic. I had a piece of my intestine removed and was left with a temporary colostomy bag. Was supposed to have the bag removed in June but I don’t have insurance and can’t have the bag taken off because it’s not life threatening as the initial surgery was.
The pain of being septic is the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. Almost passed out from pain but didn’t. Now the psychological pain of having this bag on because of technicalities is a different pain. Literally the hardest most painful thing I’ve ever dealt with. I think about dying, hurting people, and become angry when I wake up. I hate it.
it wasnt alot of pain but it was pretty scary..i still have to get check out for this but last year i had a bad case of muscle spasms im talking if i didnt constantly move every 5 second my body would lock up and i would be stuck for seconds at a time all my reactions were delayed as well..my cousin noticed it too..I just went to urgent care and they gave me muscle relaxers and it went away..according to dr i wasn't stretching enough
when i was a kid, i was playing football & got a fracture on my femur, i was tackled in the endzone & knew something was wrong immediately because i looked over to the left & my foot was by my head, my leg was bent back that far. later on in life my left leg grew longer than the right & they had to rebreak it, put a metal rod in it & 6 pins (3 at the top hip area & 3 at the knee) & i had to turn it a quarter inch a week with a little key which made the bone grow in my leg, it was called an external fixator i believe. it worked... but those 2 events were by far the most excruciating pain events in my life, ever.
Sounds horrible especially the re break part.

i was sleep during the procedure, but my surgeon was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally eccentric, i remember even as a kid, dude was a little off. he told me when he does surgery, he listens to classic music & when he has to perform procedures like mine, he loves to turn down the music & enjoys the sound of when he rebreaks bones, even offered to show me a video of it, lol. i'm like, yo fam... i'm 12...
I don’t think it was as bad as post-surgery pain from my kneecap stabilization or partial lung removal but shingles hurt like a *****.

Its only saving grace was that shingles wasn’t a continuous stream of pain, it was more like repeatedly getting stabbed by an electrified sword every x amount of time. I think there were a few minutes inbetween if I recall correctly. It went on for days without any sign of improvement but it did go away quickly after it started getting better.

My daily opioid painkiller prescription for my chronic pain condition is 400mg of Tramadol per day. In spite of that dosage those jolts of shingles pain were pretty excruciating.
Thank god it was on the right side of my chest instead of something like my face.
Dude surgeons are weird af.

One surgeon was telling me how I had hella scar tissue piled up in a bucket and he thought about just taking my belly button with it because it would be easier but then it defeated the point of plastic surgery.

noir. noir.
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