WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Tan ashamed AJ.
Why in the holy hell would they show a picture of Rock executing the worst sharpshooter in history?..
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Damn who is youngin in the black tank top straight ahead of the shot. Orange wrist band. Too far away but she looks aight.

Someone tell me what this YES YES YES is all about?

Is this the new WHAT?

Do they still do that or did that stop when Kurt Angle left?
Daniel Bryan stole it from Diego Sanchez, but he chants YES on his way to the ring and after every win as a sign of his total awesomeness.
What chants are still around unfortunately.  Generally for guys who can't cut promos.  Austin did a ton of great things for pro wrestling, but this is something that will never be forgiven.
Originally Posted by casekicks

Why in the holy hell would they show a picture of Rock executing the worst sharpshooter in history?..
Cause it's always been the worst Sharpshooter in history
Rock's been trolling Bret Hart for years
They need to make Otunga stand on the ramp for every Kofi entrance just so he can run down and knock his cup out of his hand..

That is cool @ the yes thing. I am happy to see Bryan Danielson do his thing in WWE. I would like to see him and Punk go at it on a major stage. Who would have seen this happen back in 2004. Good stuff. I might have to get back into the swing of things. Funny that the last time I said that was last WrestleMania LOL.

Kofi Kingston, is he still stuck in the mid card section?

Big Show, I thought he was retired??????????
I'm sorry the Cody Rhodes ring attire is nice but the entrance robe/jacket is ugly 
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

pop for cody rhodes?

florida is the new canada crowd.

I already said it, this is not a Miami crowd.  These are the hardcore fans still in town from Mania.  Many international fans.
There is ZERO chance Daniel Bryan gets to come out tonight, just because WWE likes to screw their fans.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If Lesnar does come out... I couldn't even imagine the madness that would ensue. I still say he's not gonna be in WWE any time soon.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Why Daniel Brayn hasn't come out, or won't come out, is so far beyond me. Have him attack Cena mid promo. [/color]
Damn I'm mad I couldnt go to Raw. I had the time of my life yesterday at Wrestlemania. Im so proud, as a Miamian, that the crowd is ruthless tonight on RAW.
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