WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1

Originally Posted by casekicks

They need to make Otunga stand on the ramp for every Kofi entrance just so he can run down and knock his cup out of his hand..

Clearly Wrestlemania 30 wont be in MSG the way they're promoting 29. Which is a slap in the face of tradition.
Great RAW crowd tonight...D-Bry HAS to come out......
Might need to plan a trip to Wrestlemania next year......
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Just knowing she's a %$#*% now makes her hotter.

She wasn't on my radar at all before her heel turn.
I didn't even really care for the booty pop. Thought it looked ridiculous with her character.
Now she's

Male mentality i guess.
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