WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

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Fams... I'm going off the grid b
They got sites that give out all peoples info for free. I'm talking about phone number, family numbers, adress, social media accounts :x :x :x

**** that I'm good. Ron Swansoning my computer
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My bad lol. When you said subliminal I thought you meant cryptic. 

AJ doesn't seem like the type to have an attitude problem backstage though

Idk man. Especially after NT's own Sami talked about how she was being a real b-word towards people and their kids at a signing, and then there was the thing with Beadle. Wouldn't surprise me tbh.

Either way, she'd get the porterhouse
Watching Backlash 2002

The roster was epic during this time, so much potential.

Brock washing The Hardys. :smokin

Hogan going over Shovel for the strap after Hogan loss to The Rock.
Which Hogan loss a month later to Booger Red.
Remember when Roman said he had something special planned for wrestlmania? New groundbreaking attire or a better entrance?
Yeah none of that changed. Dude also had no new moves like Cena did.
Cena > Irish Cena > Samoan Cena
Remember when Roman said he had something special planned for wrestlmania? New groundbreaking attire or a better entrance?
Yeah none of that changed. Dude also had no new moves like Cena did.
Cena > Irish Cena > Samoan Cena

He let Seth go over, hence the "Thank you so much" said by Seth while he pinned him
Moveset is overrated. And Roman has introduced new moves into his arsenal over time.

First it was the Superman Punch

Then it was the Apron Dropkick

Then it was the Over the top Dive

Then it was the triple suplexes he did vs. Daniel Bryan at whatever that last PPV was.

As time goes on, he will, as he has shown, add to his moveset. It is actually better this way in my opinion.

I am enjoying the progression from dude. I just wish they would let him be him on the mic. 

In ring, remember, this is like year 3 from him. He has less than 50 tv singles matches under his belt. Be patient.
I meant he said in an interview that he had something very special planned for WM, he said it had to do with his appearance or entrance and he just had a generic one. He just got a Spiderman logo on his little chestplate now. Doesn't that give him an unfair advantage?
I was hoping he'd break out a finisher other than the spear. Maybe a jackhammer or something
I meant he said in an interview that he had something very special planned for WM, he said it had to do with his appearance or entrance and he just had a generic one. He just got a Spiderman logo on his little chestplate now. Doesn't that give him an unfair advantage?
I was hoping he'd break out a finisher other than the spear. Maybe a jackhammer or something
Maybe he HAD something in store but remember that things changed at the last minute
Maybe he HAD something in store but remember that things changed at the last minute
I feel like the plans changing last minute wouldn't effect his entrance or attire though.
Guy looks like a shield/marvel superfan now. I want him to prosper but the company is really holding him back
I'm seeing a lot of comments saying Reigns deserved to win. Kinda weird though, because a lot of them were booing him before WM lol
Nah. Reigns definitely didn't deserve to win. We'd be talking about how this was one of the worst WMs instead of one of the best.
[QUOTE name="Peep Game" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/622851/wrestlemania-week-4-3-breaking-news-multi-time-wwe-champ-retires-from-wwe/11340#post_23039438[/URL]"]
Can somebody post that vid of Lana in lingerie on the bed from that show The Game? 
View media item 1477970

:smokin :smokin maaaaaaan, Lana's a freak

Brock/Reigns >>>>>> any HBK/Bret match???? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH Bruce Waaaaaaaa_n_ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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The fact that Russev is smashing Lana should give hope to all the ugly dudes in here. He should he yalls new hero.
I meant he said in an interview that he had something very special planned for WM, he said it had to do with his appearance or entrance and he just had a generic one. He just got a Spiderman logo on his little chestplate now. Doesn't that give him an unfair advantage?
I was hoping he'd break out a finisher other than the spear. Maybe a jackhammer or something

Maybe the police escort? Looked real official
Finished watching the Lucha Underground I dvr'd 2 weeks back. That Del Rio bull rope match was good. Cool to see him motivated and genuinely happy.

Prince Puma vs Cage :pimp: deserving This Is Awesome chants for once. Big fan of both these guys. Konnan getting washed :smokin go home and be a podcast man
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