WRESTLEMANIA WEEK: 4/3 Breaking News: Multi-Time WWE Champ Retires from WWE

If I may reference Psalm 89:

You rule over the surging sea;
when its waves mount up, you still them.

With our faith in the Highest One, we shall always be secured and confident knowing nothing can harm us from eternal life in His name.

Bret never seemed to get the business aspect. Hogan still was a bigger name at the point nation wide. Can Bret say the numbers while he was champ vs how much Hogan made during that time as champ?

Lets be real here. Bret was a great wrestler but characters like Hogan, Macho, UW, and even HBK could make more money as they were easier for the public to understand.
I like HBK but I wouldn't put him in that category despite his being Mr. Wrestlemania.

I just feel like Vince did a poor job developing future stars and his mid card. Same as today. However, the difference is...he's the only show in time and doesn't care about bringing back old stars like Sting, Rock, Austin...I bet CM Punk in a few years if it means $$$$!

And can't believe Plies got slammed like that. It was hilarious. Sucks there was no security there to protect the talent.
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The worst part about Hogan is how he always seemingly makes up with these guys that hated him days before they end up dying but nobody else was there to confirm it. I've seen him pull it at least twice with Savage and Warrior.
Yeah even to this day hogan still has his certain people/entourage ie jimmy hart :lol: never liked hogan as I grew up into a smark
The worst part about Hogan is how he always seemingly makes up with these guys that hated him days before they end up dying but nobody else was there to confirm it. I've seen him pull it at least twice with Savage and Warrior.
Do you think he's lying when he says he made up with them? He does have a history of lying.
if I was the top earner like hogan who basically signed everyone's paychecks including Vince. I wouldn't wanna hang with the peasants either. give me my own locker room away from the killer bees and the strike forces of the world. stay away lames
He does have a history of revisionist history. I was listening to Review a Wai and they were talking about Mania 3 and how Hogan feared Andre not doing the job. Hogan said Andre might shoot on him during the match.

And as far as having his own locker room. Dude earned it. The star of the show (Broadway, movie, etc) get their own room. If Rock, Cena or Austin have their own locker room, they earned it. They're the top draw.
I love that Seth won on the grandest stage of all. but Brock should of ate his leg when he went for the curstomp and punted him to the 8th row.
So John cena is now an inspirational speaker [emoji]128514[/emoji]

According to Hollywood Life, WWE star John Cena is partially responsible for Wiz Khalifa get back together with his estranged wife, Amber Rose.

Khalifa and Rose filed for divorce a year ago, and the report notes John Cena spoke with Khalifa before recent his performance on WWE Raw, and the conversation lead to Khalifa rethinking things about his relationship:

“Wiz is a real good friend of John’s. He talked to him and a few other guys on a serious level about [“Go Hard Or Go Home”] and how it made him think about his family and Amber,” a source told HollywoodLife.com. “It was his conversation with John and the others that was the start of everything.”
Over the past couple days, there has been a ton of talk online regarding retired WWE Diva AJ Lee working the indy scene, and as of now it’s premature to guess AJ’s future in-ring plans.

It’s unknown how much more time AJ has left on her WWE contract, but according to PWInsider.com, it’s highly likely WWE will hold AJ to the rest of her deal, which would make it impossible, even if she wants to, to work the independent scene or for any other wrestling company. Once AJ’s WWE contract officially expires, then we’ll have a better understanding of what she intends to do pro wrestling wise.
Just had some good old fashioned rough sex... Apparently she scratched my forehead really hard and it likes like a healing blade job :lol:...
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