Wrestling Thrd Jan 2-8 | 1/8 TNA Genesis - Roode vs Hardy, Angle vs Storm | Predictions Close @ 8pm

Oct 15, 2000

Happy New Year to everyone.  I hope everyone had a safe holiday and wish everyone the best in 2012.

Tonight is the first Raw of the new year.  Last year, we got the memorable match between The Miz and John Morrison, probably the best match of The Miz's career.  Unfortunately, that didn't lead to promising things for either man in 2011.  The Miz held the title for a number of months, including headlining WrestleMania, but he was never made to look like a strong champ.  He eventually lost the title and by the end of the year, was little more than a glorified jobber for other top stars in WWE.  Morrison of course never did much throughout the year, and eventually asked for and was granted his release.  He's currently sitting out with his no compete clause, and I would imagine will see him in the Impact Zone sometime soon.

I recall all of that because tonight we get CM Punk (c) vs Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Title, another match that should be excellent, but we can only hope for bigger and better things for both of these men in 2012.  Probably the most popular prediction among NTWT is that Ziggler will win the WWE/World Title in 2012.  I don't expect it to happen tonight, but I think he's definitely on the right path to be the breakout star of 2012.  WWE has been in a terrible pattern of giving distraction finishes in just about every potentially important televised match, but I'm praying they can start a new trend in the new year with Punk going over clean here after an excellent 15 minute back and forth match.

Brodus Clay was once again said to be debuting this week by John Laurinaitis.  I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.

Raw is in Memphis, so it is a good chance that Jerry Lawler will be beaten/humiliated in some form or another.  There was actually talk of putting him in a match with Cody Rhodes tonight.  He is also advertised to face Michael Cole in a street fight, but that will almost certainly be a dark match.

We'll have the latest in the "Fans Don't Necessarily Like Cena but Other Fans Still Like Cena" saga.  The evil Kane returned with his mask and wig to I guess help the fans chant Cena Sucks and hock the new Cena Sucks t-shirts.  Of all people, they chose Kane for this role?  It's such a bad fit.  Fans were completely indifferent during last week's closing segment with Kane and Cena.  Fans didn't know how to react with Kane trying to lead them in Cena Sucks chants.  They kept flashing to crowd shots, and basically everyone was just sitting on their hands.  They were able to get a few closeups of fans chanting, notably the geek in the HHH hockey jersey, but those fans were definitely the exception.  I guess this is the storyline we get through Rumble, but I think it is incredibly cheesy.  I know there are a lot of Kane marks on NT, but I think he sucks.  He's old and broken down in the ring, and I hate his over dramatic, overly scripted promos.

And then you had Cena on the stage looking like he was going to cry.  Awwww, Kane hurt his feelings.  For the people that like this program, I think it is because you think it will eventually lead to a Cena heel turn, where he says he's fed up with the fans' negative reaction and snaps on them.  However, I don't think it's going to lead to a Cena heel turn.  I think in the end, Cena will be the guy who always does the right thing and turns the other cheek to the fans that don't like him.  This means that we are going to have to deal with this storyline of if fans like or dislike Cena all the way through WrestleMania (if not longer) with no payoff in the end.  I am very confident in my prediction that Cena is not turning heel.

And then of course we have the Jan 2, 2012 "The End Begins" videos.  The videos have been very well done.  Creepy and cryptic, leaving fans in the dark.  Of course, most of us expect it to be Sting Chris Jericho returning, but we won't know for sure until tonight.  Even if it is Jericho, does the creepy girl in the video play into his return in any way?  And Jericho has always said that when/if he returned, he would completely reinvent himself.  What character will Jericho play in his return?  And if it's not Jericho, then who will it be?  I have made a poll where everyone can vote for their choice up until the start of tonight's Raw.


The 2012 Predictions Sheet!


Predictions can still be submitted until Sunday at 8PM ET.

The official rules are very simple:

  1. If you are making predictions, PLEASE MARK YOUR POST IN LARGE FONT THAT IT IS A PREDICTION POST so that it is easy for me to keep track of.
  2. Each person may make up to 10 predictions.  If you make more than 10 predictions, predictions 11+ will be ignored.
  3. The predictions may cover anything related to pro wrestling.  WWE, TNA, Ring of Honor, Mexico, Japan, or whatever else you would like.
  4. The prediction MUST be able to have a definitive result.  For example, please do not make a prediction such as "Dolph Ziggler will be the #2 heel in the company by year end."  The #2 heel in the company is a subjective ranking that cannot be proven.
  5. Predictions will be accepted in THIS WEEK'S and NEXT WEEK'S threads.  Predictions will close at 8:00 PM ET on January 8th (the start time of the TNA PPV).
  6. At the end of 2012, I will post the results of everyone's predictions.
Not Undertaker, not Brock Lesnar, not Kharma, but Jeribkmac is invading NTRaw tonight.

Get ready assgerms.

Will be watching tonight. Jericho or not, I'm looking forward to whoever those videos are linked to.
I think Jericho comes back and interferes in the Punk/Ziggler title match leading to Ziggler winning the belt (
) and jumpstarting the Jericho/Punk feud.

Raw better not dissapoint or I'll turn over to the Fiesta Bowl quick.
On one hand I'm excited for Y2J to come back tonight and have some exciting verbal warfare with CMP..
On the other hand his comeback will no doubt leed to more painfully awful bkichomacjer promos..
Just wanted to mention Jericho's last return and how awful the production was on that night.  They had the big video package with the "Save Us", but instead of having the big debut with the lights and pryo.... THEY SHOWED JERICHO WALKING AROUND BACKSTAGE.  My mind was blown with how terrible this way. Hopefully they can get it together a little better this time around.
Originally Posted by casekicks

On one hand I'm excited for Y2J to come back tonight and have some exciting verbal warfare with CMP..
On the other hand his comeback will no doubt leed to more painfully awful bkichomacjer promos..


i honestly think in a "try to swerve the IWC fans" move, someone other than the person actually debuting/returning (most likely female) will come out first before that person ultimately brings out jericho.
^ Wasn't some heel having the Olympic torch delivered to him or something? All night they kept showing a guy running through the city with the torch, then as he was about to run into the arena he got clotheslined by a shadowy figure who then did the Jericho pose?

I think this happened, or I'm just crazy.
Originally Posted by YardFather

^ Wasn't some heel having the Olympic torch delivered to him or something? All night they kept showing a guy running through the city with the torch, then as he was about to run into the arena he got clotheslined by a shadowy figure who then did the Jericho pose?

I think this happened, or I'm just crazy.
Yeah that's what happened.

  @ the relentless shots at bkmac.

Yeah, it was Randy's celebration or whatever. I liked how Jericho returned that night. (never marked out like that ever)
Originally Posted by YardFather

^ Wasn't some heel having the Olympic torch delivered to him or something? All night they kept showing a guy running through the city with the torch, then as he was about to run into the arena he got clotheslined by a shadowy figure who then did the Jericho pose?

I think this happened, or I'm just crazy.

i honestly thought everything about this return, outside of jericho's countdown and his entrance, were done horribly.
Originally Posted by YardFather

^ Wasn't some heel having the Olympic torch delivered to him or something? All night they kept showing a guy running through the city with the torch, then as he was about to run into the arena he got clotheslined by a shadowy figure who then did the Jericho pose?

I think this happened, or I'm just crazy.

I forgot about the torch part.  I still think it was stupid.
Originally Posted by YardFather

^ Wasn't some heel having the Olympic torch delivered to him or something? All night they kept showing a guy running through the city with the torch, then as he was about to run into the arena he got clotheslined by a shadowy figure who then did the Jericho pose?

I think this happened, or I'm just crazy.

Yep it was the torch passing ceremony for the official Age of Orton
Good memory

Idc what you say 4w that was one of my top ten WWE moments as a kid

Now that I'm older I slightly understand your grievance 
Originally Posted by Mister916

Never realized why bkmac was buried until today.

He brings it on himself..He changed gimmicks but yet stayed super duper boring..He should have just stayed with his Shinobi personna and that would have fit perfectly with his stale promos..
I still get chills watching that return video. I remember watching that in my dorm room live. I marked out.
If it's Jericho, I'll be pretty sad that he's the only one who ever gets cryptic promos. This would be his third one.
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