Wrestling Thread 11/9-12/14 | Dec 13 WWE TLC - Sheamus (c) vs Roman Reigns TLC WWE Title Match

Dam b wanted Brady to go all the way just cause he and his team are the most hated now ESPN gonna start every single little segment tomorrow about the pats losing and Brock whatever his last name.
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Dam b wanted Brady to go all the way just cause he and his team are the most hated now ESPN gonna start every single little segment tomorrow about the pats losing and Brock whatever his last name.

I can already see that turd Stephen A Btch running his yap about how the Pats are done and they have no chance of making it past their 1st playoff game..Followed by Btch Bayless talking about "his cowboys" being Super Bowl contenders next year..
Does Mixed-Gender Wrestling Promote Equality or Violence Against Women? | VICE | United States http://www.vice.com/read/does-mixed...olence-against-women?utm_source=vicetwitterus
Not surprised about this. Feminists usually get fake outraged about everything.

It was "horrifying" for that mother to see female wrestlers laid out. So was it equally horrifying to see the dudes laid out? And where's the talk of the female wrestlers making their own personal choices to wrestle guys?
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WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley is back with a new blog on his Facebook page in which he argues that the freedoms he had during the Attitude Era are gone and the WWE creative is "stagnant", even suggesting WWE bring him in for free to give them a perspective on what they are doing wrong.


WWE is at a real crossroads. Allow me to paraphrase Albert Einstein, who said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results". Wrestling historians can argue about when the #‎AttitudeEra in wrestling officially began. But for me, it will always be at a meeting called by Mr McMahon in the Spring of 1997, where he admitted that what had worked for them for so long in the past (I interpreted that to mean one-dimensional characters that tended to be job-related) was no longer working, and that if they were going to survive, the wrestlers themselves were going to have to step up, and help create those dimensions that would establish the emotional bond between the wrestlers and the fans - part of the lifeblood of professional wrestling.

Today's WWE Superstars (I'm including the women here, since the term "Diva" had its time, and that time is done) are at a distinct disadvantage in some ways. They can't flip birds, and use the colorful language. They can't bleed - even when the situation seems ripe for it. Man, Roman Reigns life would be so much easier if he could survive vicious assaults - and be left bloodied, but unbowed - the way guys in my era did. But all the blood, the language and the violence paled in comparison to the real secret weapon of the Attitude Era; FREEDOM! The freedom to CREATE..the freedom to TRY... the freedom to FAIL - the idea that going down swinging (I hope I'm not losing you guys in all the non-baseball playing countries) was almost as important as hitting the ball out of the park - as long as you took your best swings. There's a difference between playing to win, and playing not to lose: one breeds confidence, the other breeds fear.It's the difference between cutting the type of promos Stone Cold Steve Austin and Dwayne The Rock Johnson gave, and the cookie-cutter approach all too often employed these days by WWE creative. One style allowed for creativity and emotion. The other calls for memorization and recitation.

I hope I don't sound like I'm picking on WWE. There is a big part of me that loves this company, and always will. Why else would I be up at 4:15 am, writing things that are likely to banish me deeper and deeper into the WWE doghouse? One of my favorite wrestlers proposed a storyline that would allow me a four of five week storyline that would allow me to dig in deep, and swing for the fences - and in the process, maybe advance a few of the super-talented but underutilized athletes on the roster. I would love to do it....but I doubt it's going to happen. After all, I might want to do something crazy like go out there without a script, and try to create some real emotion - in other words, the type of thing that saved WWE in the late 90's.

The talent pool has never been deeper. But the creative flow is stagnant...and it's been stinking for a while. I quoted Einstein to begin this thing. Let me conclude with the immortal words of Owen Heart: "Enough's enough: it's time for a change!"

He added in further comments:

"It's frustrating. I live 90 minutes from WWE headquarters (less without traffic). They know I've offered to come in, for free, and give them my honest opinions. I have nothing to lose by telling them the truth. I don't work for them. If they don't like what I have to say, I get in my car and drive home. No big deal. But at least they get a different perspective."

"It's 5:00 am - probably time for me to get some sleep. . This is likely to be the last "serious" post I write of the year, as I have the Santa stuff, and the Sock thing - and I just want to keep my mind free of all the heaviness out there in the real world. But I am so grateful for the importance you place on my words - even from those who disagree with me from time to time. I hope that what shines through is that I still love this wrestling stuff, and still want what's best for it. Even if I do stop watching WWE Raw for a while, my kids still DVR it, so if I hear of a great match or some tremendous Heyman promo, I'll be all over it the next day."
problem with the current system is that it breeds dependent talent, dependent on creative in the end

fine, let them sink or swim...

but as i've said before, i don't know if the likes of raines or jeans could do much better on their own even if they tried
i like bray wyatt for the apparent 'freedom' he talks about being given

like him or not, he tries (and has the ability to do so)
Schuab vs .....Luke McCown? :x :x this game wouldn't have even had appeal with 2 healthy squads. This is Gunner vs Camacho.
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[quote name=""url="/t/639289/wrestling-thread-nov-9-29-11-26-lets-all-remember-when-wrestling-used-to-be-great-on-thanksgiving/4980#post_24654802"]Schuab vs .....Luke McCown? :x :x this game wouldn't have even had appeal with 2 healthy squads. This is Gunner vs Camacho.[/quote]
I don't want to derail the thread but the only thing that could of made this game enjoyable was if Johnny was playing.
I don't want to derail the thread but the only thing that could of made this game enjoyable was if Johnny was playing.
I'm a huge Ravens fan and I wanted Manziel to play. I actually enjoy watching him and root for him. Nothing about this game will be enjoyable.
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