Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

Christian looks like he hopes he dies in the ring

I almost just spit soda all over my laptop
If Cena is really hurt, just setup Reigns vs Wyatt. Wyatt can run off of what Cena said and say he is the future........leads from there.
From Bray's twitter a few minutes ago:

The golden calf has been sent out to pasture..... Can you still see him?

If Cena is really hurt, just setup Reigns vs Wyatt. Wyatt can run off of what Cena said and say he is the future........leads from there.
But who do you put over though?

Fans don't wanna hear it but this is why you keep Shield & Wyatt fam away from each other at WM.

We finally got the match yesterday and they delivered. It was good for what it was (heel vs. heel faction, which as you know is RARE...especially in current WWE). Reigns and Bray are poised for big pushes...can't have one of them being used as the stepping stone for the other at Wrestlemania.
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