Wrestling Thread 2/24-3/2 | Feb 28 NXT Arrival 8pm ET On The Network | THE NETWORK IS LIVE

That line that Cena dropped about the future of the WWE having to go through him first was pretty interesting. Has he ever talked about that before? That could/should be the angle that Cena will go heel with (it'll never happen i know)

I honestly think Bray goes over Cena at Wrestlemania semi-clean.
I went to middle school with this weirdo kid named TJ that always got in trouble for not bringing gym clothes. He exploded on the teacher once and went off with all this stupid creep talk and finished it with "I will preach the final sermon!".

That's all I can think of when I see Bray Wyatt.
I really wonder what Bray is like out of character

Apparently a mark
Gotta be hurt.

Kept seeing him signal to the ringside dude

Plus the whole scene just looked weird 
I went to middle school with this weirdo kid named TJ that always got in trouble for not bringing gym clothes. He exploded on the teacher once and went off with all this stupid creep talk and finished it with "I will preach the final sermon!".

That's all I can think of when I see Bray Wyatt.

Thanks for always keeping it g.
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