Wrestling Thread 2/25-3/10 | 3/10 TNA LOCKDOWN PPV - Hardy v Bully Ray | Champion No Showing?

I wonder what happens to Punk post Wm29. Any feud not involving the WWE title or Taker is automatically a step down IMO

Well since him & Cena aren't supposed to cross paths for a long while, and seeing that Cena will be champ of another bazillion days, Punk will be involved in plotless bouts.
I have a question. When Hogan faced The Ultimate Warrior at WM6, was it known that The Warrior would be winning?

KidKash202 @KidKash202
@courtbauer I have a question. When Hogan faced The Ultimate Warrior at WM6, was it known that The Warrior would be winning?

@KidKash202 lol yes
As I will be in attendance.

What are your seats?
Edgar and DC would be like some kind of Head Cheese pairing
Fight me JNSQ
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Because in professional wrestling, winners are determined before the match even starts believe it or not.
Nah, the question was meant to be asked like this.

"To the general public, was Warrior winning the belt common knowledge." - The way we KNOW CM Punk will lose
Nah, the question was meant to be asked like this.

"To the general public, was Warrior winning the belt common knowledge." - The way we KNOW CM Punk will lose

The question should have been worded like that. I think he thought it was a dumb question.

Lobotomy thinks wrestling is real.

A guy from Connecticut told me that.
Opening Promo
Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter kick the show off with a promo that's interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio shows a clip of he and Ricardo Rodriguez doing a parody video of Colter and Swagger's "We The People" clips.

Team Hell No vs Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater
Team Hell No defeat  the two members of 3MB after Bryan caught Slater with the No-Lock and made him tap.

This is Kane and Daniel Bryan's second tag team victory of the week, perhaps WWE have nixed the plan for a break-up?

That's a possibility, but it's far more likely that creative are getting the two stars back on the same page to make their inevitable implosion less predictable and more shocking.
Backstage Segments 
Ziggler, with Big E Langston and AJ Lee, is interviewed by Matt Striker. Dolph says that he'll make history tonight by beating Del Rio. After the interview he gets some cheap heat via a kiss from AJ.

Ryback is in action next, and while he's walking backstage he has another non-verbal confrontation with Mark Henry.
Damien Sandow vs Ryback
Sandow gets the "no entrance" treatment but cuts a short promo before the match about how Darwin's Theory of Evolution forgot about his opponent. He was beaten in around 3 minutes by that same opponent after Ryback hit Shell Shocked. 

Somebody gon' get they wig split. Source: WWE.com

Fandango vignette was aired, promoting his debut tonight.

Backstage Segment 
Matt Striker interviews Big Show about his being attacked by The Shield on Monday after Raw went off the air. Show blames Orton and Sheamus for being attacked, and says he'll take care of Sheamus later tonight.

Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler

Alberto Del Rio defeated Dolph Ziggler with the Cross Armbar in what was described as an excellent match.

During the match Big E chased Ricardo around the ring and tried to throw water at him but it went all over AJ instead, who then chased Ricardo around the ring as well. AJ and Big E were both ejected.

This match was set up by last week's "Social Media SmackDown", so I suppose we've got the fans to blame for Ziggler suffering what feels like his 100th consecutive loss to Alberto Del Rio.

The Show Off is on a devastating losing streak, hopefully he scores some big wins soon.

Backstage Segment
AJ is drying off from her tragic water attack and is approached by Daniel Bryan. Bryan mocks her, noting how he actually was world champion, unlike her current boyfriend. She retorts that he managed to lose the title in 18 seconds, though he should be used to things only lasting 18 seconds.

AJ Lee, keeping it classy.

Mark Henry vs Yoshi Tatsu  
Yoshi Tatsu has been learning English to give himself a better shot at superstardom in the WWE. It hasn't quite payed off yet, as he was quickly squashed by the World's Strongest Man and his World's Strongest Slam.

Tamina vs Kaitlyn 
Tamina defeated Kaitlyn after some involvement from Layla. 

Not terrifically exciting, but after the match Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow are discussing Kaitlyn backstage. Sandow says that she's from an inferior gene pool, but isn't bad.

Looks like not only will the Rhodes Scholars reform, but they'll get a third member and possibly (hopefully?) create a faction.

Justin Gabriel vs Fandango
Lillian couldn't pronounce Fandango's name right so he refused to compete.

WWE typically debut news stars after  WrestleMania, so it's likely that we'll first see Fandango in action on April 8th.

Sheamus vs Big Show 
The match ended in a no contest when The Shield attacked Sheamus. 

Randy Orton ran in to help Sheamus, and Big Show came to their aid and the three cleared out the ring of The Shield. Big Show then hit Sheamus with a WMD, but was then himself hit with an RKO from Orton to end the show.

WWE are obviously beginning an angle that will see Big Show, Orton and Sheamus team together to take on The Shield at WrestleMania. The dynamic of two super-babyfaces working with a top heel is interesting, and should lead to a fun match at the Showcase of Immortals.
What has booking done to Damien Sandow?
JNSQ, Monsieur Clubito has put forth a challenge to you. Will you be a coward?

Pls respond.
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