Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Too many people have been slurping AEW lately.

We need a fresh opinion.

What don't you like about AEW?
Seems like they’re doing all the stuff they said they wouldn’t. Too many BELTS. Far too much unused talent. Way way too much Jericho. Lot of mid storylines. I don’t think they’ve handled any of the interim championship situations particularly well, and all the world championship runs have kinda sucked. Imo none of those guys can carry a company
Actually feel like Jericho has been one of the few bright spots for A&W during the MJF hiatus, and I wasn’t expecting that. GOAT.
two maga legends

didnt think rhonda rousey was that tall

Should've did a collage of when Lebby had Triple T waiting outside the locker room.

Seems like they’re doing all the stuff they said they wouldn’t. Too many BELTS. Far too much unused talent. Way way too much Jericho. Lot of mid storylines. I don’t think they’ve handled any of the interim championship situations particularly well, and all the world championship runs have kinda sucked. Imo none of those guys can carry a company

I read before something like 17 belts have been defended in AEW since April. That's including ROH, AAA, NJPW.
Seems like they’re doing all the stuff they said they wouldn’t. Too many BELTS. Far too much unused talent. Way way too much Jericho. Lot of mid storylines. I don’t think they’ve handled any of the interim championship situations particularly well, and all the world championship runs have kinda sucked. Imo none of those guys can carry a company

Hi Troof
Not a fan of the "Freshly Squeezed" guy but if you're a fan that's cool. We can disagree on things and still be civil.

Welcome back.
He’s sports entertaining imo :lol:
Actually feel like Jericho has been one of the few bright spots for A&W during the MJF hiatus, and I wasn’t expecting that. GOAT.
I could do without him throwing fireballs and being on commentary
I read before something like 17 belts have been defended in AEW since April. That's including ROH, AAA, NJPW.
Jin freestyle Friday run was a wild moment in time.

As much as he was feasting on the freestyle circuit His commercial music was so terrible smh

RR mustve taken the chain back quick and gave it to Khaled or something
Update on Malakai Black via PWI:

"There's also been a LOT of talk over the last 24 hours about the status of Malakai Black. Raj Giri of WrestlingInc.com is reporting Black asked for an AEW release, citing personal issues and his mental health but it has not been granted. We can confirm that in speaking to closes source to Black, there has been a personal situation weighing heavily on him and he's privately talked about taking a long, perhaps permanent, break from professional wrestling, in order to deal with the issues. Giri also reported that how Black has been presented has weighed on him, and obviously, he hasn't been in the top mix for some time while having a rep for being very creative and driven. Dave Scherer and I talked about this on today's We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name Show. It's a hard situation for all sides. Obviously, AEW doesn't want to create a precedent where anyone who could potentially return to WWE gets a chance, but if something is wrong with Black's mental or spiritual health, you also don't want to chance him or someone else getting accidentally hurt, either. It's not an easy position for anyone involved to be in, obviously. We wish Black and his family all the best as he navigates his personal issues. As of today, he is still scheduled for All Out and is still with the company.”
Man that is a really tough situation. TK is going to have to put his big boy pants on and make a real executive decision. Maybe there's a way where he can let him take an extended break and then ease him back by letting him write or have a backstage roll or something.
You never know if someone can be playing poker and just wanting out of their contract. Heck I'm sure most of tese guys have gotten tapped up by Triple K already.
Either way the real problem for TK and any promoter in particular is that anyone can just say "mental health" after this and get out of a contract.
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