Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

- I can't EEM fap to Layla squashes, but still

- Eve sounded like she had just memorized her lines before she cut her promo, then she gradually started to forget what she was supposed to say
- Miz getting his victory back from Santino

- Pretty nice Lesnar/HHH segment, but Cole's "HE BROKE HIS ARM, HE BROKE HIS ARM" had me

- My mom needs to do R-Truth's hair
Lol WWE knew what they were doing showing troops cheering for orton.
Im calling it now......

Cena vs Batista at OTL
It would have been an AWESOME spot if Orton caught Swagger in an RKO as he was coming off the ropes from the Vader Bomb.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

It would have been an AWESOME spot if Orton caught Swagger in an RKO as he was coming off the ropes from the Vader Bomb.

I thought rko was for certain.. when swagger did that..
Very confused as to why Kofi and Truth are getting a title shot. Are they even a team? I thought the NXT jabronis were next in line.
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