Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

It's not 
 because I think 23-24 is old
 because your all about the same age


At me being called Bkmac or Casekicks

Those creatons couldn't suck my **** with a thousand mouthes
Calm down kid..Just cause you're mom finally let you listen to an album with a parental warning on it, and you heard all those cool grown up words, doesn't mean you can or should use them..Now show me some damn respect or I'ma call your dad and tell him to not let you use the car this weekend..Oh, my bad, I forgot your only 12..Maybe I can have him take away your bike or bus pass or whatever it is you little kids use for transportation these days..Have a great night btch..

brasilian-Thank you sir..Respect..

I'm sorry old man.
Now go sit your !$% down and drink your pepsi.
It took a long time, but I promised I would respond to the Sting arguments (vs Taker, drawing power, Hall of Fame, etc). I have just posted a gigantic post on the 1st page, including two audio features from Dave Meltzer, Bruce Mitchell, and Bryan Alvarez.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

catching up now..

Edge!! THAT'S HOW YOU CUT A PROMO!!! Cena take some GOD DAMN notes!!
On the flipside, Cena's promo was awesome. Probably the best I've heard in a long time.
Wait, Randy Orton has the power to bring Paul Bearer back to life?  PUSH THIS MAN TO THE TOP!
was looking for info on Lord Tensai's match on Superstars (to make my post legitimately funnier, of course) and I came across this on YahooAnswers.

░♫LaMistica⌂± ░♫LaMist...
A Top Contributor is someone who is knowledgeable in a particular category.
Is lord tensai former wwe superstar tajari?
Cole and lawler have mentioned that lord tensai was a former wwe superstar but left to japan and returned as lord tensai.
you all saw the green mist.

1 day ago
Originally Posted by casekicks

For those that asked me to post an update:Went to the dr. today and had a stress test and a test where they look at your heart with an ultrasound thing..They determined that I didn't have any form of heart attack or have any bad damage to my heart..They did say that my heart should be in better shapefor my age..I guess based on the symptoms I had on Saturday they gave me the diagnosis of atypical chest pain and some other term that I can't remember..Basically I had a crazy bad anxiety attack that was brought on by side effects of new medication..I got put on some new meds and my body didnt do well with the side effects and I started to feel weird, which got me nervous, which made my blood pressure skyrocket, which let to the anxiety attack..So I've been told to change my meds that I take for the facet arthritis in my spine, start taking a specific medication for blood pressure and possibly take one for my heart..I also have to lose all the weight I've gained since quitting smoking (which is about 30 lbs.)..But on the possitive side I should be totally fine and if my neurosurgeon thinks I need to have another disc removed from my back I should be healthy enough to have the surgery..Sorry for the long winded snoozefest(God knows we get enough of those from 4w)..Thanks to those who wished me well..If I'm not too tired tonight I'll try to be in the NTWT for tonights festivities..
Glad to hear things worked out.  Now go read my long winded responses to the Sting debate on the first page.  Listen to the audio as well.  I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
guys Tensai is really from Japan those tattoos on his face real too they mean 'beware of tensai'
EDIT: Glad to hear you're doing well Casekicks.

I was gonna say "how is this dude gonna end up in the hospital RIGHT in the middle of his push as MR CK, the vengeful pill-popping lone-wolf, lurking (probably in the rafters) and waiting 

i got this idea where you open a pill jar in the middle of the ring and you shove pills into your opponents mouth after a win. a "taste of their own medicine" GOD I AM A BOOKING GENIUS
Problem with Randy Orton using his "Appex Predator powers" to bring Paul Bearer back to life, for essentially nothing, since Kane didn't care and Orton could have just came down to the ring and jumped PhilosoKane in the first place?

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