Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by masondid

Wrestlezone is reporting that Tough Enough winner Big Andy is been released...
I know this has been covered but one last note on Andy. TE was bound to fail after (ESP after Martin got hurt).WWE let a mark win a contest over a seasoned, experienced wrestler like Matt Cross (And LOLWWE didn't even give Aries a chance) I mean no disrespect to Andy, but he wasn't a #*%$%$@ wrestler, he was a fan who wanted to be a wrestler, and this was not the right route. (Even if he was in FCW prior to TE)

That being said he'll be in TNA in no time.


Expect him to call out (and beat) Bobby Roode in the first TNA Fight Night.
Ok, there needs to be a gif of Orton "hitting" Kane with that pipe

That was like the bottle "breaking" over Punk's head
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

catching up now..

Edge!! THAT'S HOW YOU CUT A PROMO!!! Cena take some GOD DAMN notes!!
On the flipside, Cena's promo was awesome. Probably the best I've heard in a long time.


Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Damn, I need to feud with Jericho.


And Josh was beyond giddy to get that liquor basket.

And cardo I noticed that Punk kept a bottle for himself too.

And Paul Bearer is giving Jason and Michael Myers a run for their money for how many times you can die and come back.
wait a minute, I wasn't intently watching the CM Punk segment.
Did he really pocket of the the bottles from the basket?
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

When is the last time a street fight actually ended up outside in the street?

Not sure, but Punk and Chavo had a Gulf of Mexico Match which ended with Chavo going into the water a few years back.
Since everyone else is posting their pics, I might as well join in too.

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Mcflyy

I wouldn't be surprised it Lesnar was legit late and they are waiting for him to arrive.

Nah, it was a bait and switch.  WWE knows that 8pm hour always bombs in the ratings for a 3 hour Raw, so they advertise the show starting with Cena/Lesnar to try and pop the rating (probably won't work).
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

guys Tensai is really from Japan those tattoos on his face real too they mean 'beware of tensai'
EDIT: Glad to hear you're doing well Casekicks.

I was gonna say "how is this dude gonna end up in the hospital RIGHT in the middle of his push as MR CK, the vengeful pill-popping lone-wolf, lurking (probably in the rafters) and waiting 

i got this idea where you open a pill jar in the middle of the ring and you shove pills into your opponents mouth after a win. a "taste of their own medicine" GOD I AM A BOOKING GENIUS
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

It's not 
 because I think 23-24 is old
 because your all about the same age


At me being called Bkmac or Casekicks

Those creatons couldn't suck my **** with a thousand mouthes
Calm down kid..Just cause you're mom finally let you listen to an album with a parental warning on it, and you heard all those cool grown up words, doesn't mean you can or should use them..Now show me some damn respect or I'ma call your dad and tell him to not let you use the car this weekend..Oh, my bad, I forgot your only 12..Maybe I can have him take away your bike or bus pass or whatever it is you little kids use for transportation these days..Have a great night btch..

brasilian-Thank you sir..Respect..

I'm sorry old man.
Now go sit your !$% down and drink your pepsi.
You're damn right you're sorry..Now opologize!..While I'm in the kitchen gettin' a Pepsi should I go ahead and put some juice in your sippy cup?..Or do you just want mommy to get you a passy and tuck you in?..
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

remember the days when major superstars got their own dressing room?
while cm punk got a cubby right next to curt hawkins and drew mcintyre.

josh mathews looked a little too excited to get that liquor basket.
guess he figured it would go great with his cocaine binges.


This was freaking hilarious 
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