Wrestling Thread 5/19-6/1 | WWE Payback PPV - Shield v Evolution | Will Daniel Bryan Forfeit His Tit

Random but it blew my mind when I got back into wrestling in 06 07 that Edge had become a main eventer. Dude was an awesome heel.
Looks like the reports of WWE 2K15 coming out before Mania are false:

Get Ready: #WWE2K15 launches on 10/28, internationally 10/31 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. pic.twitter.com/WOpSBP0h4T
— WWE 2K (@WWEgames) May 21, 2014

Get ready:


It will still have garbage servers.
That's because they stop using him and Jeff hardy as a spot ***** and let them be the fan favorite! If it wasn't for cena and Orton tho he probably would've stayed in the mid card tho sadly
It took forever for Edge to become a main eventer.

It really did, but it was cool seeing his progression. That's one thing I've always liked when you can see that progression and it's believable. That's another reason why I can't stand Sheamus and Swagger. Tried forcing them on people and were only somewhat successful with Sheamus.

Edge would've gotten there sooner though if it weren't for his injury around 02 or 03.
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It took forever for Edge to become a main eventer.

It really did, but it was cool seeing his progression. That's one thing I've always liked when you can see that progression and it's believable. That's another reason why I can't stand Sheamus and Swagger. Tried forcing them on people and were only somewhat successful with Sheamus.

Edge would've gotten there sooner though if it weren't for his injury around 02 or 03.
I always knew Edge was gonna become champ one day before he became the champ.
Lawd that Eva Marie vid.

Would've fit right in during the raunchy divas era.
Just read dbry is out until battleground. If true dam that suck. Guess we'll be seeing super Cena with belt soon to boost them low ratings
Currently watching Bash at the Beach 2000

Wild to think how many ex-WCW guys were leading the charge in WWE at the time: Jericho, Radicalz, HHH, Taker, Stone Cold, Foley

all dudes who weren't being utilized in WCW at various times. Thats about 15 years of stardom they ****** up in those 9 guys.
Reigns has been "developing" since 2010 its gonna be like 5 years by WM 31 and he still wont be ready yet? They needa throw these dude out there like in the old days and let them sink or swim and stop holding their hands. You've got pieces of trash like Bo Dallas that have been at it since ******* 2008 and are still garbage :lol: inb4 Dallas needs time to develop some more
Reigns has been "developing" since 2010 its gonna be like 5 years by WM 31 and he still wont be ready yet? They needa throw these dude out there like in the old days and let them sink or swim and stop holding their hands. You've got pieces of trash like Bo Dallas that have been at it since ******* 2008 and are still garbage :lol: inb4 Dallas needs time to develop some more

Also, WM 31 is 10, 11 months away. Plenty of time to make him a big star.
Also, WM 31 is 10, 11 months away. Plenty of time to make him a big star.

We'll see by Summerslam... That'll be his big test if it ends up being a singles match against HHH. But I have my doubts cause it doesn't look like this Evolution/shield feud has enough juice to last all the way till August. It could end up being like a Cena/Wyatt situation where dragging the feud out does more harm than good.
An article I read earlier.

Top 7 WWE Tag Team Champions of All Time

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- In WWE it's often the solo wrestlers that get most of the attention, but sometimes it's more fun to watch teams of wrestlers perform at the same time. With four or more people in the ring, or around it, there's a greater chance at creating drama in each match, making them that much more memorable.

This list hopes to compile a few of the best tag teams in the history of the WWE. Because there's only seven a number of them will be left off, coming in just below those who are included. Some of the wrestlers on this list saw great success individually, but it's only their tag team careers that matter here.

Hart Foundation

While The Hart Foundation would eventually include a large stable of wrestlers, the original tag team of Bret "The Hitman" Hart and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart was one of the best two-man teams in the history of the WWE. The team only held the Tag Team Championship twice, but they held it for a combined 483 days, giving them the third longest combined reigns of any team.

With the help of their legendary manager, Jimmy Hart, The Hitman and The Anvil won their first tag team championship from The British Bulldogs. That first reign lasted 10 months, with the team eventually dropping the belts to Strike Force. The team would go on to feud with other great tag teams of the time including Brain Busters, The Rockers (feature Bret Hart's longtime rival Shawn Michaels), and Demolition.

Dudley Boyz

One of the most successful tag teams in the wrestling industry, D-Von and Bubba Ray Dudley won just about every major tag team championship. In the WWE alone the Dudley Boyz won 10 championships. The team won the World Tag Team Championship eight times, the WCW World Tag Team Championship once, and the WWE Tag Team Championship once.

The Dudleys made a name for themselves in ECW before coming to the WWE, and helped bring some of the "extreme rules" to the WWE. The team is known for routinely putting their opponents through tables, usually with their signature Dudley Death Drop move. That tendency led to a number of memorable tag team table matches, and the first few Tables, Ladders, and Chairs matches.

Money Inc.

With an arrogant millionaire and an evil accountant on the roster, it only makes sense to form a team called Money Inc. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase and I.R.S. were three-time World Tag Team Champions. That may not sound like much, but they held the titles for 411 days in total, more than most tag teams that came before or after.

Money Inc. would win their first championship against Legion of Doom, which led to a feud with The Natural Disasters due to the actions of their manager Jimmy Hart. Hart had double-crossed The Natural Disasters to put Money Inc. in the match against LOD. Hart would later double-cross Money Inc. against their rivals Hulk Hogan and Brutus Beefcake, the Mega-Maniacs.

The team would later go on to feud with The Steiner Brothers, The Smokin' Gunns, and Razor Ramon. The team broke up shortly thereafter, but would reunite as part of the Million Dollar Corporation.

New Age Outlaws

The New Age Outlaws, Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad *** Billy Gunn, are two of the more influential wrestlers of the Attitude Era. The team held a total of six tag team championships in their career: winning the World Tag Team Championship five times, and the WWE Tag Team Championship once.

The team is perhaps best known for their call-and-response promos before each match. Even when they're supposed to playing the bad guys Road Dogg and Billy Gunn can get the crowd to chant and cheer along with them, largely thanks to Road Dogg's delivery. The team used that ability to get the crowd involved as part of the second incarnation of D-Generation X with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chyna, and X-Pac.

In their most recent run with the WWE, the New Age Outlaws won their sixth championship from the Rhodes Brothers before losing the belts to The Usos. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn were last seen in action on TV at WrestleMania XXX where they were decimated by The Shiel

Edge and Christian

I the late 90s the WWE tag team division produced some of the most entertaining matches, many of which featured Edge and Christian in some capacity. First billed as brothers, and later as childhood friends, Edge and Christian held the World Tag team Championship seven times.

When they weren't too busy doing five-second poses "for the benefit of those with flash photography," E&C feuded almost nonstop with The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz. While the team was exciting in standard tag team matches, they really shined when they were in matches that let them take years off their own careers to entertain their fans.

Perhaps their most memorable match is the second Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match at WrestleMania X-Seven. The match put E&C against the Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boyz, with help from a variety of other wrestlers. The highlight of the match saw Edge jump off a 20-foot ladder to spear Jeff Hardy who was hanging off the title belts suspended above the ring.


In the late 80s and early 90s Demolition was the biggest name in WWE tag team wrestling. Ax and Smash (who were later joined by Crush) only held the World Tag Team Championship three times, but they still hold for longest combined reigns at 698 days, and longest continuous reign of 478 days.

Demolition started their first, and longest, title reign by defeating Strike Force at WrestleMania IV. The team would hold the belts for more than a year, defeating great teams like The Hart Foundation, the British Bulldogs, and the Powers of Pain. The team would later go on to feud with other legendary teams like Legion of Doom, and great solo wrestlers such as The Ultimate Warrior and Andre the Giant.

Legion of Doom

Legion of Doom is one of the most iconic tag teams in the WWE. While WWE eventually put many wrestlers in the faction, for the purpose of this list we're only concerned with Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk. The team held tag team championships in promotions all over the world from All Japan Pro Wrestling to NWA, WCW, and many others. As part of the WWE, Hawk and Animal captured the World Tag Team Championship twice.

In the ring Legion of Doom overpowered their opponents with their solo power moves. It was their finishing maneuver, the Doomsday Device, however, that proved their greatness as a team. Their ability to truly work as a team helped cement them as one of the best.

Outside the ring Hawk and Animal were instantly recognizable by their spiked shoulder pads, face paint, and imposing stature. Everything about the team was intimidating, which just helped make them immensely popular.
Holy ****.. There was a botched Avalanche power bomb or frankenateiner.. I don't know how Jericho didn't break his damn neck.. ******* scary...
Gedo vs Y2J was a good match... Besides the scary botch, very clean...

Lol.. Mongo...god was/is he horrible...

Up next is Rey Jr vs Eddie... I ******* love this match.. Easily top 5 all time for me... Can't wait to see the dragonsteiner...
It took forever for Edge to become a main eventer.

It really did, but it was cool seeing his progression. That's one thing I've always liked when you can see that progression and it's believable. That's another reason why I can't stand Sheamus and Swagger. Tried forcing them on people and were only somewhat successful with Sheamus.

Edge would've gotten there sooner though if it weren't for his injury around 02 or 03.

Yup. You def saw the potential of him being a future champ when he went over Angle at the KOTR, then unifying the US & IC titles beating Test after the Invasion storyline.

I like those slow progressions. Feels like characters are just given the strap. That's why it was such a big deal when Bryan won at WM
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