Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

That Reigns/HHH standoff was a tad bit too long, but other than that, really good episode of Raw..
Hahah we just been watching the same 6 Chrisley epsiodes for the last 6 months...
That was a good episode of Raw. Y2j coming back was crazy.

That ending had me on the edge of my seat screaming at the tv for Rollins to come out.
Hahah we just been watching the same 6 Chrisley epsiodes for the last 6 months...
Y'all just realized that.

Either it's the episode where they go to NY, the pilot episode, birthday party for the mixed baby, etc. 
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