Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

This booking of Cesaro is absolutely stupid.

A cheap win followed by getting destroyed.  Neither man gets over.
WTF are they killing my dude Cesaro by giving him L's against a dude who's not gonna do a THING with the wins?
So Rusev is higher up on the ladder than Cesaro now? Big E barely touched Rusev during their feud and now he just washed Cesaro. Smh.
Na b. That aint look like no white diva catfight. That jawn looked like it was straight outta WSHH just inside of a wrestling ring lol

The WAY the "fight" was mapped out was not the way two "traditional" divas fight eachother man. Not reaching at all

So what you're saying is 2 white divas have never went at it like that?..So ain't it racist to say that white divas only catfight one way?
Wow. First Randall and now Kofi gets random W's against Cesaro? Cesaro is supposedly going to the upper tier and they have him lose consecutive weeks to spot specialist Kofi...
Relax people Cesaro losses doesn't mean he's not getting pushed. Cesaro is still considered a top 3 to be pushed and he's slated to win the ic title.
THey gotta make Cesaro look week to build him to win the battle royale as a "surprise"
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This booking of Cesaro is absolutely stupid.

A cheap win followed by getting destroyed.  Neither man gets over.

Welcome to the WWE since 2005 :lol:

They're killing my guy Cesaro though. He should've been military pressed through the roof. And Big E is protecting Kofi like Reigns was protecting Rollins before :lol:
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