Wrestling Thread Apr 12-18 | 4/18 TNA Lockdown - Every Match in a Steel Cage | Styles vs Pope

i'll admit, he looks a lot better than he did back in january.

i'm really liking the david otunga and dave batista thing. i've never heard otunga speak until today. funny guy.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

The Los Angeles Timesis reporting that Friday Night SmackDownwill be moving to Syfy, an affiliate of WWE's longtime cable partner, USA Network. WWE is likely to make an official announcement later this week.

It has not yet been disclosed when the move will occur or if SmackDownwill remain on Friday nights.

Syfy will reportedly pay $30 million to air SmackDown, up 50% from the $20 million WWE has been getting from MyNetworkTV.

Smackdown has been on network television since its inception nearly eleven years ago.

 Good because I don't have My Network and I'm tired of watching Blackdown on !$@!+!!#*
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The move will cost Smackdown greatly in viewers.  Syfy is in 13 million less homes than MyNetwork, which right off the top will mean a viewership drop of about 12%.

Wow shocker. Its 2010 you would think more fools had cable. 

lol Blackdown. With the draft approaching, my hopes for it are increasing just like all the other years.

Man, nobody comes close to Scott Steiner on the mic. Not even The Miz or CM Christ. That's because every promo Steiner has ever cut is a shoot, and he pushes the envelope in a way only Brian Pillman can, with the added bonus of murdering the English language thrown in to the mix .
I've been deprived of seeing a fire ball

Lethal called Pope Rev. Slick

did Batista have on leather pants?
Couldn't they have Seamus bury Evan Bourne or Primo? I don't understand propping up Seamus by sacrificing Kofi Kingston. Like I said last week, bad booking. Randy Orton cut a real boring promo. Heeltista with the "get me a cup of coffee" FTW!
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

lol Blackdown. With the draft approaching, my hopes for it are increasing just like all the other years.

Man, nobody comes close to Scott Steiner on the mic. Not even The Miz or CM Christ. That's because every promo Steiner has ever cut is a shoot, and he pushes the envelope in a way only Brian Pillman can, with the added bonus of murdering the English language thrown in to the mix .
True, plus he'll cut a promo on someone he isn't in a program with and get even more heel heat. I remember one time on Nitro, freak was on the headset and he shot on Torrie Wilson and her acne problem.  My other all time fav, was when the crowd chanted "Scott Steiner Sucks," he responded with "No your mother sucks. YOUR MOTHER SUCKS!" 
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

The Los Angeles Timesis reporting that Friday Night SmackDownwill be moving to Syfy, an affiliate of WWE's longtime cable partner, USA Network. WWE is likely to make an official announcement later this week.

It has not yet been disclosed when the move will occur or if SmackDownwill remain on Friday nights.

Syfy will reportedly pay $30 million to air SmackDown, up 50% from the $20 million WWE has been getting from MyNetworkTV.

Smackdown has been on network television since its inception nearly eleven years ago.

 Good because I don't have My Network and I'm tired of watching Blackdown on !$@!+!!#*
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The move will cost Smackdown greatly in viewers.  Syfy is in 13 million less homes than MyNetwork, which right off the top will mean a viewership drop of about 12%.

Wow shocker. Its 2010 you would think more fools had cable. 


Now that I've thought about it, the people without cable probably aren't wrestling fans anyway.  Maybe I'm just naive, but I think most people without cable are senior citizens.  I could be wrong.  I don't see the move really hurting Smackdown's ratings in any way.

The initial report is the show will stay on Friday nights.  What a mistake.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

The Los Angeles Timesis reporting that Friday Night SmackDownwill be moving to Syfy, an affiliate of WWE's longtime cable partner, USA Network. WWE is likely to make an official announcement later this week.

It has not yet been disclosed when the move will occur or if SmackDownwill remain on Friday nights.

Syfy will reportedly pay $30 million to air SmackDown, up 50% from the $20 million WWE has been getting from MyNetworkTV.

Smackdown has been on network television since its inception nearly eleven years ago.

 Good because I don't have My Network and I'm tired of watching Blackdown on !$@!+!!#*
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The move will cost Smackdown greatly in viewers.  Syfy is in 13 million less homes than MyNetwork, which right off the top will mean a viewership drop of about 12%.

Wow shocker. Its 2010 you would think more fools had cable. 


Now that I've thought about it, the people without cable probably aren't wrestling fans anyway.  Maybe I'm just naive, but I think most people without cable are senior citizens.  I could be wrong.  I don't see the move really hurting Smackdown's ratings in any way.

The initial report is the show will stay on Friday nights.  What a mistake.

Exactly. If Raw can score 3.0s consistently this isn't going to be a problem at all. Speaking of Raw I loved The Hoff as the guest host. I think he's done one of the best non-wrestling celebrity jobs on Raw through out this guest host concept.

BTW Cena looks bad out there. As in hurt. If he doesn't get his roll slowed when he is out it's going to be for a long time.

Otunga sucks. He's just got a look. Miz was excellent on the mic this monday.

On TNA I love the Pope/Styles program. I hope Pope loses and we see a three way with him and Samoa Joe at Bound for Glory. I see Joe coming back this sunday.

And for as bad as TNA's themes are Pope/Machismo have awesome themes.

Originally Posted by Law3001

Fail for posting twice
Blame yuku.

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

The Los Angeles Timesis reporting that Friday Night SmackDownwill be moving to Syfy, an affiliate of WWE's longtime cable partner, USA Network. WWE is likely to make an official announcement later this week.

It has not yet been disclosed when the move will occur or if SmackDownwill remain on Friday nights.

Syfy will reportedly pay $30 million to air SmackDown, up 50% from the $20 million WWE has been getting from MyNetworkTV.

Smackdown has been on network television since its inception nearly eleven years ago.

 Good because I don't have My Network and I'm tired of watching Blackdown on !$@!+!!#*
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The move will cost Smackdown greatly in viewers.  Syfy is in 13 million less homes than MyNetwork, which right off the top will mean a viewership drop of about 12%.

Wow shocker. Its 2010 you would think more fools had cable. 


Now that I've thought about it, the people without cable probably aren't wrestling fans anyway.  Maybe I'm just naive, but I think most people without cable are senior citizens.  I could be wrong.  I don't see the move really hurting Smackdown's ratings in any way.

The initial report is the show will stay on Friday nights.  What a mistake.
Exactly. If Raw can score 3.0s consistently this isn't going to be a problem at all. Speaking of Raw I loved The Hoff as the guest host. I think he's done one of the best non-wrestling celebrity jobs on Raw through out this guest host concept.

Hoff was pretty good, but I am so tired of the guest host concept.  The WWE just constantly trots out B, C, and D list celebrities and tries to make a big deal about it.  The only time the mainstream media ever cares is if it is a big name athlete involved.  I don't even know what MacGruber is next week.  I really hoped the guest host thing was coming to an end at Mania.  It clearly isn't bringing any type of ratings boost.  And the guest hosts just have the same exact script week after week.  I can't take anymore awful women's matches and bad comedy segments.

So ditch the guest hosts.  If the WWE is able to get an actual big name star, then announce that they are coming in for a special one night appearance.  That would give Raw an instant ratings bump.  And when you don't have a special guest, just roll with it and put on a quality show.
Hai guise.

One and done for NXT (for now).

The PWInsider.com website reported today that WWE NXT will be canceled off SyFy when Smackdown moves to the network this fall. While that report is accurate, I was told this morning that WWE NXT will likely finish after the first "season" of the show concludes in mid-June. It's unknown at this point what is going to happen from the end of June until Smackdown moves to the network, but it is possible there will not be any WWE programming on the network for those months.

WWE officials are high up on the NXT concept and if they are unable to find a network to pick up the series there is talk within the company about incorporating the series into either Raw or Smackdown, much like what the company did with their Tough Enough reality series when it lost its TV deal with MTV.

According to sources, WWE has had preliminary discussions with the Bravo cable network, which is also part of the NBC Universal family (along with USA Network & SyFy.) There's also the possibility of airing the show on WWE.com.

The cancellation of WWE NXT comes as no surprise as officials from both WWE and SyFy were disappointed with the numbers ECW was doing which is what created the NXT concept. Several weeks in, the series has actually done lower ratings than ECW, which ended up being the writing on the wall.

On an unrelated note, I
when Hoff said "Jackie Swagger" yesterday...right up there with Jeff Harvey and Kofi Johnson.

N&N if I have time later on today...
I really like the concept of NXT, but the bottom line is that watching below par wrestling and listening to below par promos just isn't that entertaining. Plus, Cole and Striker are intolerable to listen to.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Ted Dibiase is now The Million Dollar Man Jr?  I said it last week, I don't like this angle.  He's biting off his father's gimmick which immediately makes him come across as a knockoff.  Right now Dibiase does not have anywhere near the charisma of his father or the standing with the fans.  Plus like I said, The Million Dollar Belt does not look good in HD.  It looks like a cheap piece of metal with fake diamonds.  The rumor is Dibiase will start a stabled named "The Fortunate Sons".  We'll see where that goes.  I hate the name.  And I don't know where Cody Rhodes goes from here.
You depress me.

But I agree with you, can't be million $ man Jr.

if he is going to do this. I'd say go the spoiled kid heel route where he isn't the new million $ man per se, but more of some bratty kid riding his daddy's coat tails. a Male wrestling counter-part of Kim K, and Paris Hilton.

Don't like the fortunate sons name either though.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Ted Dibiase is now The Million Dollar Man Jr?  I said it last week, I don't like this angle.  He's biting off his father's gimmick which immediately makes him come across as a knockoff.  Right now Dibiase does not have anywhere near the charisma of his father or the standing with the fans.  Plus like I said, The Million Dollar Belt does not look good in HD.  It looks like a cheap piece of metal with fake diamonds.  The rumor is Dibiase will start a stabled named "The Fortunate Sons".  We'll see where that goes.  I hate the name.  And I don't know where Cody Rhodes goes from here.
You depress me.

But I agree with you, can't be million $ man Jr.

if he is going to do this. I'd say go the spoiled kid heel route where he isn't the new million $ man per se, but more of some bratty kid riding his daddy's coat tails. a Male wrestling counter-part of Kim K, and Paris Hilton.

Don't like the fortunate sons name either though.
I could see that gimmick potentially working.  However, I think you always need to look at the long term, especially with guys who the WWE obviously has bigger plans for like Dibiase Jr.  Does turning him into a bratty kid really help to elevate him to main event status?  My initial guess would be no.

If I were booking Dibiase, I would have him play the arrogant, "I'm better than everyone" role.  He doesn't need the Million Dollar Belt to do this.  He can play up that he is entitled because he comes from money.  But here's the bottom line key to having this work.  He needs to win and be pushed strongly.  None of this losing and getting played like a fool by Randy Orton.  If they are serious about Dibiase as a main eventer, then give him an undefeated spring and summer run.  Have him plow through the midcard of the WWE.  None of the even steven booking crap.  Make the decision you are going to push him and go with it.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

true. I miss the days of the IC belt being used for that very purpose 4w
Or the King of the Ring. With all the gimmick PPV, I really don't know why they wont bring it back. With all the all young midcard talent they have, it can give one or two guys, depending on how they book it, some credibility and elevate them to the top tier. 
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

true. I miss the days of the IC belt being used for that very purpose 4w
Or the King of the Ring. With all the gimmick PPV, I really don't know why they wont bring it back. With all the all young midcard talent they have, it can give one or two guys, depending on how they book it, some credibility and elevate them to the top tier. 
Exactly. They booked Edge KOTR in 01? Whenever it was and at the same time built up Christian to get screwed out of the finals to build their credibility as singles wrestlers. Edge and Christian went on to feud for the IC title and additionally adding US title and European title reigns at that time. Now look at them.

I swear the only thing I don't understand about todays WWE is the booking.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

true. I miss the days of the IC belt being used for that very purpose 4w
Or the King of the Ring. With all the gimmick PPV, I really don't know why they wont bring it back. With all the all young midcard talent they have, it can give one or two guys, depending on how they book it, some credibility and elevate them to the top tier. 
Exactly. They booked Edge KOTR in 01? Whenever it was and at the same time built up Christian to get screwed out of the finals to build their credibility as singles wrestlers. Edge and Christian went on to feud for the IC title and additionally adding US title and European title reigns at that time. Now look at them.

I swear the only thing I don't understand about todays WWE is the booking.
KOTR 2001 AKA The Kurt Angle Show. Angle wrestled almost 60 minutes, in three matches. One of the best WWE PPVs ever, Angle vs Shane, with the suplex through the glass wall. And a very underrated Main Event Stone Cold/Y2K/Benoit with the first wCw sighting, Booker T axekicking Stone Cold. Then, they dropped the ball. 
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

true. I miss the days of the IC belt being used for that very purpose 4w
Or the King of the Ring. With all the gimmick PPV, I really don't know why they wont bring it back. With all the all young midcard talent they have, it can give one or two guys, depending on how they book it, some credibility and elevate them to the top tier. 
Exactly. They booked Edge KOTR in 01? Whenever it was and at the same time built up Christian to get screwed out of the finals to build their credibility as singles wrestlers. Edge and Christian went on to feud for the IC title and additionally adding US title and European title reigns at that time. Now look at them.

I swear the only thing I don't understand about todays WWE is the booking.
KOTR 2001 AKA The Kurt Angle Show. Angle wrestled almost 60 minutes, in three matches. One of the best WWE PPVs ever, Angle vs Shane, with the suplex through the glass wall. And a very underrated Main Event Stone Cold/Y2K/Benoit with the first wCw sighting, Booker T axekicking Stone Cold. Then, they dropped the ball. 
Man, when Angle was struggling to break that glass with those suplexes I was in pain for Shane-O-Mac! But yes, it was a great PPV.

And the Invasion storyline..don't even get me started
smackdown spoilers
Spoiler [+]
- A Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. Jack Swagger Triple Threat was announced at opening of the show.
- Drew McIntyre defeated Kane by DQ. McIntyre is not going down well in England. Matt Hardy threw him inside the ring for a chokeslam, but Drew got win via DQ for Hardy’s interference. Kane also chokeslammed Hardy.
- Dolph Ziggler defeated R-Truth. Ziggler used the sleeper to get the win. A Perfect Plex would have gone down better!
- Michelle McCool beat Mickie James. Layla interfered for the win. Beth Phoenix came down for the save.
- Hart Dynasty and Rey Mysterio beat the Straight Edge Society. David Hart Smith pinned C.M. Punk.
- JTG beat a member of The Dudebusters. He furthered his feud with Shad to little or no heat.
- Jack Swagger defeated Edge and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat match to retain the World Hvt. Championship. Swagger pinned Jericho.

raw did a 3.2 rating
tna did a 0.8 rating

that fireball incident with jeff hardy was edited, it actually looked worse.....dude had blisters on his face and his skin was peeling
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