Wrestling Thread Apr 22-28 | 4/28 BREAKING NEWS - John Cena Injures Achilles Tendon on European Tour

Cena on Twitter acknowledged the injury just writing, "Finally home from a great European tour.  I'm banged up, but I'm not going to miss Monday Night Raw."
Test vs Kevin Nash (Raw 2003)
I remember I couldn't believe the result of this match. It was cool to me just cause I was a Test fan, but I've never seen Kevin Nash buried before, so i was pretty shocked when it happened :lol:

But for others to get over they don't need to entertain the idea of orton or show holding any type of belt
But for others to get over they don't need to entertain the idea of orton or show holding any type of belt
I agree.  I've had enough of Show, Orton, and Sheamus.   It's time for those guys to get down graded.  Put them in the US and IC title picture.   Let Bryan, The Shield, Ziggler, Big E, etc get over.   Then when Punk and Cena come back we will have fresh feuds.    
You know, i hope Cena is out for a while. I don't hate Cena (except when he tries to be funny on the mic). Serves WWE right.

They must've forgotten when guys like the patriot and savio vega were some of their top stars.
--Regarding John Cena, the injury is legitimate but it's not clear exactly what the injury is or the severity of it.  The injury took place at a show seven days ago in Geneva, and he worked house shows on it so it's not like an Achilles tear which would have put him down for nine months.  He will be at TV tomorrow night.  It may be the injury Sting suffered last year on the European tour.  It's tricky because with C.M. Punk out, that would be the two top full-timers gone, and Punk shouldn't be wrestling on his knee the way it is.
What's with these rumors that Kelly Kelly might be back in June or July?

:x :x please no

You know, i hope Cena is out for a while. I don't hate Cena (except when he tries to be funny on the mic). Serves WWE right.

They must've forgotten when guys like the patriot and savio vega were some of their top stars.[/quote

The WWE has made it their quest to erase a lot of the history they created, so that's not surprising
ehhhh >D not even talking about her in the ring. There's easily 5-8 divas I'd bring back before her.
:lol: who cares if she can't wrestle. At least she's easy on the eyes.

That's like saying I don't care watching female boxing with two painfully awful boxers, as long as they are easy on the eyes.
The **** you watching it for then. Go watch Victoria Secret fashion show or Miss America. **** go hit up some twerk videos or the million other outlets for talentless eye candy.
You should be watching a wrestling show for good wrestling and story telling. The sexiness of the women wrestlers should be a plus.
Not vice versa.
That's like saying I don't care watching female boxing with two painfully awful boxers, as long as they are easy on the eyes.
The **** you watching it for then. Go watch Victoria Secret fashion show or Miss America. **** go hit up some twerk videos or the million other outlets for talentless eye candy.
You should be watching a wrestling show for good wrestling and story telling. The sexiness of the women wrestlers should be a plus.
Not vice versa.
Well said. Pin up models is why no one takes the division seriously. Put the strap on Natalya or Tamina. Not a ring rat who can barely go in the ring. If she was brought back as a valet or a manager which is something the WWE needs to do to most of the division, I'd no problem with it.

Also, this goes back to WWE not developing their own talent and having to rely on bringing people back. I know its only the Divas division but its a microcosm of the overall problem the company faces.
Yeah sure. I'm here til Midnight eastern. Ill try to knock out as many as I can til then.
:lol: who cares if she can't wrestle. At least she's easy on the eyes.

That's like saying I don't care watching female boxing with two painfully awful boxers, as long as they are easy on the eyes.
The **** you watching it for then. Go watch Victoria Secret fashion show or Miss America. **** go hit up some twerk videos or the million other outlets for talentless eye candy.
You should be watching a wrestling show for good wrestling and story telling. The sexiness of the women wrestlers should be a plus.
Not vice versa.

Boxing is real and its about skill. Pro wrestling is entertainment, of course it doesnt hurt if the divas can actually perform in the ring. So comparing boxing to pro wrestling is apples and oranges. But anyhow her character did bring something to the table. I was genuinely entertained during that whole Divas of Doom and Bella Twins vs Eve and Kelly Kelly rivalry.
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