Wrestling Thread Apr 22-28 | 4/28 BREAKING NEWS - John Cena Injures Achilles Tendon on European Tour

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0:01- 0:06

Cubano on the bottom in white

THank you!!!!
probably been said already in this thread if not around the net but i saw pain and gain the other day and i thought it was pretty cool that the rock was beating on kurt angle in prison :lol: i dont know if angle is with tna anymore but i found it pretty cool how an actual wwe wrestler was beating up a tna wrestle lol
Yeah, I said a little while back that the reason they have Kofi the belt is probably to start that little altercation that him and Big E had.

Champion stable for the summer :pimp:
Vince Mc Mahon is Big E Langston's biggest fan backstage. His reward? IC or US title reign as soon as Extreme Rules.

Has to be the US title.
So he's going on a losing streak?  Makes sense.

They're much better off giving Dolph and Big E the tag titles since they never get defended anyway.
- As of April 15th, Martha Hart’s lawsuit against WWE as well as Vince and Linda McMahon has officially ended.

As noted earlier, the two sides had come to a confidential settlement after a joint press release was issued to the Associated Press.

Hart agreed she would not be able to open the case up again at a later date and each party agreed to pay their own legal fees.

- CM Punk is currently not scheduled for any WWE TV, pay-per-views or live events for the entire month of May. Punk’s next schedule appearance is for a RAW taping on June 3rd from Hartford, CT.

- Chris Jericho is only scheduled for two live events in May before the Extreme Rules pay-per-view . Those dates are May 11th in Beaumont, TX and May 12th in Ft. Worth, TX.

Jericho is currently listed for post-Extreme Rules RAW live events in Utah and Canada from May 24-26th. As of this writing, Jericho is not listed for any TV tapings but that is subject to change. Fozzy’s next major tour isn’t until August, so the leaves Jericho open for some WWE dates.

- The Undertaker was not scheduled to wrestle at May’s Extreme Rules pay-per-view but with CM Punk missing the show and John Cena possibly being off the pay-per-view due to his injury, there is now talk that Taker may be brought in to add star power to the line-up.

- WWE officials are planning on bringing NXT’s TV show to the United States beginning this fall. The idea is to use the show as a way to introduce the developmental talents to WWE’s TV audience, similar to the last ECW TV program was done.

The plan is for NXT, which currently airs overseas, to remain one-hour on American TV. WWE officials are high on the idea of making another $100,000 per week without any extra costs because NXT is already being taped.
Will catch Raw on dvr whenever, but will scroll back through the thread around 10 or 11 cause the thread >>> Raw always.

:Rollin at "don't worry, he'll kick out"
Cena will be in action tonight.

Peep, skipping Raw to watch the Rockets get swept? :lol:
Regarding John Cena, the injury is legitimate but it's not clear exactly what the injury is or the severity of it.  The injury took place at a show seven days ago in Geneva, and he worked house shows on it so it's not like an Achilles tear which would have put him down for nine months.  He will be at TV tomorrow night.  It may be the injury Sting suffered last year on the European tour.  It's tricky because with C.M. Punk out, that would be the two top full-timers gone, and Punk shouldn't be wrestling on his knee the way it is.


Cena and Ryback are teaming against the Shield tonight, so I guess he is fine. :smh:

Aye t forget to pay attention to al of the grunting that Big E does during his matches. He is almost as bad as Carlos Boozer
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