Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

I didn't lose any reps so whoever got banned never repped me so **** em! >D
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I think I lost like 15. We need an attendance count or something in here. Everyone thats NTWT in anyway shape or form say "here"
I know how all of this ends...

  4w reveals himself as the man behind the bans.
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Very nice, Nikki. Very nice
How is that nsfw?...

Besides, that's not a reportable thing lol... Entire threads based upon pics much more revealing than that :lol:...

Bro, i posted pics of girls covered up more than that and have gotten the "post in spoilers" and "nsfw" comments.

I don't have a problem with it but others may have.

If not, then forget what i said.

PS, i don't want to watch A Serbian Film, so stop trying to "put me on" to it you sick bastard.
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