Wrestling Thread Apr 6-12 | 4/6 RAW - WrestleMania Is Over, Now What? Saxton Back for Week 2

I'm going with a friend as well... We're driving down that morning and staying at a friend's of his...

Since I don't know jack about Philly, others will have to figure it out :lol..

I hope y'all :smokin type dudes... I wanna partake with my fellow good brothers...
My dudes I just seen some nasty joint. People eating developing chicken eggs :x :x :x you could see the wings and everything developing :x :x :x savagery b savagery. Can't even eat or drink right now
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I don't know what it's called b but I was disgustet

Edit: just googled that, yup that's it :x :x this can't be life
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