Wrestling Thread Apr 9-15 | 4/15 TNA LOCKDOWN - All Cage Matches - Roode vs Storm, Angle vs Hardy

Foley taking shot after shot at Vince 
God this crowd is terrible 

There are about 13 people in total chanting YES

18 seconds chants???????  I'm ready to turn this show off.
Wait, I thought Del Rio was getting the title shot.  Not that I'm complaining, but I could have sworn he got the shot last week.
2 out of 3 falls?  So we have to see Sheamus beat D Bry twice?  In Chicago?  The crowd is going to crap all over that.

Shut up, AJ.  You hussy.  She looks terrible.
- There were rumors over the weekend that WWE has made some releases but they won’t be announced until everything is finalized and the talents are notified.

- As we noted before, TNA requested that WWE send them a Superstar to appear on one of their DVD’s in exchange for allowing Ric Flair to appear at the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. We don’t know exactly who that WWE Superstar is yet but talk is that it’s someone that has history with Sting, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.

- The Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose video from WrestleMania 28 weekend in Miami has been a hot topic among wrestling fans and people in the wrestling world. The idea behind the program is to build the angle as if it was a legitimate confrontation between Foley and Ambrose that wasn’t scheduled to happen, and then play off that to build Ambrose’s character. As we noted, the entire thing was planned and WWE writer Ed Koskey was there taking notes and watching the whole thing.
I really wish WWE would get rid of these 30 second matches.  They serve absolutely no purpose other than to make pro wrestling look like a joke.
And Natalya, the best worker in the match, doesn't even get in.  At least she's not farting anymore.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- As we noted before, TNA requested that WWE send them a Superstar to appear on one of their DVD’s in exchange for allowing Ric Flair to appear at the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. We don’t know exactly who that WWE Superstar is yet but talk is that it’s someone that has history with Sting, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.
"As we noted"

This came word for word from Meltzer on last night's Observer Radio.  Meltzer said he hopes to know the name by the end of the week.

My guess would be Big Show.  I don't think having a legend like Dusty Rhodes would sell any DVDs.  If TNA were smart (joke...), they would have requested the right to all of Sting's WCW footage.  TNA had all the power in this negotiation and essentially got nothing out of it.
Gene using his promo voice even when he's having a conversation with Sheamus 

Did Sheamus say it's really a dream come true to tag with Mean Gene?  I'm glad my dreams are a bit loftier than that.

I'm 90 minutes in and this has been a pretty terrible show so far.  Not because anything has been especially bad.  Just because absolutely nothing has happened.
What a waste of my night. Horrible show. It was clear the writers already checked out and were ready to head to Europe.
Am I the only one who thinks creative should start letting talent start writing their own promos

Some of these promos are atrocious
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I didn't see Ryback last week.
C'mon... how can WWE management seriously put this guy on TV?  He won't make it to Extreme Rules.  He has zero chance of passing a wellness test.

He looks clean to me.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I didn't see Ryback last week.
C'mon... how can WWE management seriously put this guy on TV?  He won't make it to Extreme Rules.  He has zero chance of passing a wellness test.

He looks clean to me.
who was that guy anyway that was a waste of airtime IMO
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I really wish WWE would get rid of these 30 second matches.  They serve absolutely no purpose other than to make pro wrestling look like a joke.

Alicia Fox just happened to hit a nice suplex into a hook that Brie couldn't kick out of, what the problem? 
Fox is looking like a contender after that big win.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- As we noted before, TNA requested that WWE send them a Superstar to appear on one of their DVD’s in exchange for allowing Ric Flair to appear at the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. We don’t know exactly who that WWE Superstar is yet but talk is that it’s someone that has history with Sting, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.
"As we noted"

This came word for word from Meltzer on last night's Observer Radio.  Meltzer said he hopes to know the name by the end of the week.

My guess would be Big Show.  I don't think having a legend like Dusty Rhodes would sell any DVDs.  If TNA were smart (joke...), they would have requested the right to all of Sting's WCW footage.  TNA had all the power in this negotiation and essentially got nothing out of it.

uh, no, this was reported weeks ago. meltzer did not break this, even though he probably would like to think he did
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I really wish WWE would get rid of these 30 second matches.  They serve absolutely no purpose other than to make pro wrestling look like a joke.

Alicia Fox just happened to hit a nice suplex into a hook that Brie couldn't kick out of, what the problem? 
Fox is looking like a contender after that big win.

Catching up on the last few pages I guess nothing eventful happened on Smackdown tonight.  
Spoiler [+]

- Reports are coming in about the NTMania 2 buys and they are not good. The early buys show that it did less than NTMania. Some feel that the outcomes of some of the matches were changed too many times.

- Officials are reportedly very high on BrasilianMami's recent heel turn. Many felt it would work because he wasn't getting over as a face.

- Regarding NTMania 3 news, reports coming in are that it will take place April 6th, 2013 at the NTArena. There are reports that a match willl be named to the card in a few weeks.

- Regarding other NTPPV's, officials was one to completely focus on the NTag Titles. One official wants a type of lethal lottery style tournament, with the winners getting a shot at the NTag champs, Lobo & JNSQ that night.

- A new Peep_Game DVD titled "MYJourney" will hit stores next month. It will show Peep off the ring, at home, touring and at the latest MGK concert.

- Officials want TennHouse, Hymen_Man & CaseKicks to work on their promos because they feel their mic work is sloppy and not getting them over.
What's with Japanese wrestlers/gimmicks and the mist spitting?

Mr. Fuji
& now Tensai

There's probably dozens I've left off that list as well.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Yeah, Smackdown was a complete waste.
So glad I didn't watch it. I protested since RAW sucked.

The reason they started to +%%* with AJ n started to bury him was bcuz hogan n *****off wanted him to bleach his hair like Flairs and he
Didnt. When they startd fortune..
With all the media coverage via U tube,http://GQ.com and the 40 billboards of me thruout India covering Ring ka King
Isnt it strange that Tna mentiond very little about it thats bcuz Pritchard hogan n *****off
Were pissd bcuz it did so well drawing 14 mill viewers n they had nothin to do with it
U couldnt talk about it at the office or tweet about it.THINK ABOUT THAT! We went to India for Tna but Tna did very lil coverage of it
Bcuz these idiots were pissed they had nothing to do with the success of it..so they tried to bury the ppl who went over there
They tried to bury me they imediately startd beating morgan,they couldnt bury Magnus bcuz
They'll say he cant go ..Magnus is 25 yrs he can talk,wrestle and he looks great why would they send him home for about a year
Oh,yeah bcuz Garrett is 28 yrs has had less than 10 matches has great sideburns cant throw a clothline
And is the future of wrestling +%%*! But the guy they r burying the worst is abyss.++%@%@$ why!
They made him take off his mask cut his hair n walk around sayin he is abyss's brother
Which makes everybody look stupid,like we dont know what abyss looks like,what he never took off his mask
Why...abyss has bn there from the begining n is a nice guy...but they just +%%* with everybody bcuz they r %@!%#@@*
As soon as these %@!%#@@* took over they built up a barrier where u could no longer talk to dixie u had to talk Bruce
We all thought pritchard is a prick n didnt want to talk to him.but those who tried to contact dixie either got ignored or reprimended
Not sure how pritchard hogan n *****off convinced dixie to turn her back on the ppl who built up Tna
And listen to the 3 jackoffs that are sinking Tna..wrestling has always bn about ratings ratings ratings
Ratings are like a scoreboard,there isnt one coach that looks at the scoreboard at the end of the game
And wonders who won..and since these guys came to tna the ratings suckd and still do !!!!!!
So was is it so hard to figure out who is the problem
Since they came in ratings are down but costs are up,so to cuts cost in other areas to pay for these worthless ratings killers

Spoiler [+]
Steiner, incredibly, is the hero TNA needs, but not the one it deserves.
Originally Posted by masondid

Sadly the only thing that surprises me about Scott Hall news is that it's not to say he died and the cause wasn't alcohol related. Can't believe how he is still in the shape he's in after all the $$$ spent on him by the E?

Bischoff was right Scott Hall is killing Scott Hall...

That life he took weighs heavy on his heart I believe. That's probably why he's so messed up.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- As we noted before, TNA requested that WWE send them a Superstar to appear on one of their DVD’s in exchange for allowing Ric Flair to appear at the 2012 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. We don’t know exactly who that WWE Superstar is yet but talk is that it’s someone that has history with Sting, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.

Has to be Big Show right?

What a coup by TNA
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