Wrestling Thread April 14-May 4 | 5/3 WWE Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Now Open!

I'm digging Cody's Bret Hart/Nattie boots

Camera man still sucks
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After seeing the Batista Bomb into the RKO double team, I wouldn't mind seeing them both in a team for a couple of months.
You think D.Bry wears his belts when he smashes? Or any wrestler for that matter. I know I would, especially the World title.
Konnan said Juventud used to smash girls with his Cruiserweight title on.

Serious question. Does Twitter close the Twitter accounts of dead celebrities?
Here's another drinking game.

Take a shot every time the other 2 commentators ignore Lawler's worthless comments.
The Rhodes Brothers, maybe the hottest babyfaces other than Daniel Bryan about 6 months ago, now jobbing for RYBAXEL.  Stupid.
Highly doubt it but it would be that much better if they didn't bleep words on the Network.
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