Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

- Miz TV as the champ and his wife rundown the Royals and makeout until Cesaro comes out; Miz does a Taken riff, and they jaw about their Intercontinental title match at Payback until Miz introduces Cesaro's opponent

- Rusev! But Cesaro reveals he talked to Shane, and got the match changed to Cesaro & New Day vs. Miz & League of Nations!

- Cesaro & New Day defeat League of Nations & Miz via pinfall (Cesaro on Sheamus after a Neutralizer)
Bout time. Dude deserves to be paired up with the hottest act in WWE
Dammit that's tomorrow let me save the promo for Edgar then till then.....

Make America great again!
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Bret Hart to be in Natalya's corner at Payback...so basically they are doing the same thing as they did with her and Charlotte for their NXT title match :lol:

only for her to lose again and embarrass the hart family name and the great country of Canada
- Miz TV as the champ and his wife rundown the Royals and makeout until Cesaro comes out; Miz does a Taken riff, and they jaw about their Intercontinental title match at Payback until Miz introduces Cesaro's opponent
- Rusev! But Cesaro reveals he talked to Shane, and got the match changed to Cesaro & New Day vs. Miz & League of Nations!
- Cesaro & New Day defeat League of Nations & Miz via pinfall (Cesaro on Sheamus after a Neutralizer)
Bout time. Dude deserves to be paired up with the hottest act in WWE

Would've much rather of seen the original proposed match instead of the 3 on 3
Randomly saw this. The money owes to all the ECW guys at the time of it folding:

Noted in the enormous list of creditors comprised of cable companies, travel agencies, media corporations (including TNN), advertising agencies, hospitals, insurance companies, financial institutions, courier companies, universities and plaintiffs with personal injury suits against ECW are these former ECW wrestlers, managers and announcers:

Bill Alphonso: $5,000.
C.W. Anderson: $500.
Angel (Baldies): $500.
Scotty Anton: Unknown amount.
Steve Corino: None.
Justin Credible: $7,990.
Lou E. Dangerously: $7,000.
Juilo Deniro: $300.
Devito (Baldies): $500.
Simon Diamond: $9,000.
Danny Doring: $2,100.
Shane Douglas: $48,000.
Spike Dudley: Unknown amount.
Francine: $47,275.
Chris Hamrick: $300.
Don Callis: $12,000.
Little Guido: $25,000.
Jazz: $1000.
Jerry Lynn: Unknown amount.
Balls Mahoney: $4,000.
Tony Mamaluke: $600.
Dawn Marie: $9,000.
Thomas Marquez: $500.
James Mitchell (Sinister Minister): Unknown.
EZ Money: $300.
New Jack: Unknown amount.
Nova: $4,000.
Roadkill: $21,250.
Rhyno: $50,000.
Sabu: None.
The Sandman: Unknown amount.
Johnny Swinger: Unknown amount.
Joey Styles: $50,480.
Super Crazy: $5,000.
Tajiri: $5,000.
Rob Van Dam: $150,000.
Jack Victory: $3,000.
Mikey Whipwreck: $12,000.
Chilly Willy: $500.
Bret Hart to be in Natalya's corner at Payback...so basically they are doing the same thing as they did with her and Charlotte for their NXT title match :lol:

only for her to lose again and embarrass the hart family name and the great country of Canada

Nothing was more embarrassing than her farting gimmick
Rob Van Dam being owed $150,000
Enzo and Big Cass will take on the Vaudevillians at Payback for #1 contender
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