Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

For as much as I liked Punk and Jeff Hardy you know those tattoos hurt their standing with the McMahons. I'm seriously surprised that Roman is getting pushed like he is because of that sleeve.

Remember how Orton got some heat for getting sleeved up without permission?
Romans sleeve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Unlike Corbin, Semen Punk could actually wrestle + cut promos + exude charisma
At the end **** was sloppier than Ryback... :lol: but Corbin has improved a lot and i believe he will continue to get better.
Dude was fugly. But Reigns brought the sexy back to wrestling.
Gotta agree. Randall and Reigns keep the womenz panties drippin...
For as much as I liked Punk and Jeff Hardy you know those tattoos hurt their standing with the McMahons. I'm seriously surprised that Roman is getting pushed like he is because of that sleeve.

Remember how Orton got some heat for getting sleeved up without permission?
Good memory man, i remember that too. :nthat:
-WWE Studios sent out a press release on Monday announcing a partnership with Maandi Media DMM, which is Wesley Snipes’ production company. The upcoming film TEMPLE, which stars Snipes, Meangene45 Meangene45 and Seth Rollins, will be their first project together and their second film is expected to begin production before the end of 2016.

TEMPLE is a a thriller directed by John Stockwell and co-produced KISS co-founder Gene Simmons. Principal production began earlier this month in New Orleans.

Proud of my man Meangene45 Meangene45 . Making checks and bangin chicks. :nthat:
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Is @Meangene45 really going to be in the movie or is this a facade like the Miz's next WWE Title run?
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