Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Opposite camera angle during one of Barrett's last matches :lol: :lol:

View media item 2007135

I don't trust anyone's opinion about wrestling if they have the word "arrow" in their name..
Lol 80s and 90s wwf with all the racism and exaggeration was the ****. We were too young to notice the ********. I'm not saying AAA is the best. You missed my point. "Arrow" [emoji]128526[/emoji]
Plans (they may change) for LoN members after they split up

Rusev - US title picture

Sheamus - Possible face turn, expected to be in the IC title picture

Del Rio - Expected to be Apollo Crews first feud
Guess GHIMS was right:
Speaking fairly candidly, Del Rio admitted that the group hasn't quite gelled and Wyatt's injury leaves them without a purpose going forward. As such the League will disband, with the three remaining members going their separate ways back into the singles ranks.
For a group that contained the talent League of Nations did it can only go down in history as a grand creative failure. What should have been a credible main event faction became something of a running joke, and splitting them up is the only real option left. Rumours that Del Rio will now go back to stiffing Sin Cara on a weekly basis are unconfirmed.
:lol: yep, Roman was the main reason they even put them together. There was never a real plan to try to get LON over.

I'm sure somebody already posted this, but this it a good and pretty funny interview

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That's also probably why Job Ziggler is jobbing to that guy with the receeding and thinning hairline. Vince probably thinks he's a beta for not being able to smash Lana
Corny tattoos indeed
I mean to each their own. Maybe they have significant meaning to him. But they make him difficult to market I believe. They are just there.
I recall a semi out of shape person with a damn Pepsi tattoo doing just fine in the company with merch/marketing before quitting like a little *****.
Unlike Corbin, Semen Punk could actually wrestle + cut promos + exude charisma
I recall a semi out of shape person with a damn Pepsi tattoo doing just fine in the company with merch/marketing before quitting like a little *****. :nerd:

For as much as I liked Punk and Jeff Hardy you know those tattoos hurt their standing with the McMahons. I'm seriously surprised that Roman is getting pushed like he is because of that sleeve.

Remember how Orton got some heat for getting sleeved up without permission?
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