Wrestling Thread April-September 2018 RIP

bc you ppl keep calling me back for these weak *** programming. ive been about had it man.

I missed you

You ok man?

NTWT here brother Hustle

just watch most of NXT BK4 just now

champa and gargona was ****ing garbage

I deadass dont know how you ppl slurp these dudes and the same garbage they been doing for like 2 years now

The whole match was:

Champa does one move

Garbago does another.

They fake count to 10.....30 times

The finish was ****ing garabge

Just call these bums up already so they can rot in 205 already man


I didn't think the match was that great either..Seemed very repetitive and seemed like it was just a bunch of stuff from previous matches crammed into one final match..Ending was flat out stupid..

And I think Mauro announcing made the whole thing even worse than what it was..
Same order for me.

I’ll be honest didn’t even care for Gangano-Ciampa it’s just been done too many times for me.

Loved that tag title match man. Bate is so damn good and Seven is really underrated.

And honestly...KOR & Strong >>>> KOR & Fish. And that ain't a slight to Bobby Fish

Yeah I'm with you on Gargano/Ciampa, feud is beyond stale.
Loved that tag title match man. Bate is so damn good and Seven is really underrated.

And honestly...KOR & Strong >>>> KOR & Fish. And that ain't a slight to Bobby Fish

Yeah I'm with you on Gargano/Ciampa, feud is beyond stale.

Yep KOR & Strong are even better than KOR and Fish.

It’s def stale and I’m almost positive they’ll have another match which is just too much.

They’ve literally beat the living hell out of eachother for months and idk what else they could do. They’re gonna literally have to kill eachother in their next match :lol:
Wish Aleister didn’t get injured, cause the original plan was probably a triple threat at Takeover, basically forcing them to have another singles match too soon. Still thought the match was enjoyable, but they’ve done so much so fast that the only thing left is for someone to literally die next match.
Ugh they really took the title of Shane Baselair?

Sane’s pirate gimmick is absolutely awful.

They def gonna call her up for the Horsewomen/Horsewomen feud.

And yeah Sane's gimmick def has a short shelf life but she's probably the best pure babyface performer in the company(besides Bryan) Dunno where the dislike for her came from all of the sudden :lol:
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