Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

And that's why Cesaro shouldn't have been jobbed out for the past few months.If he would have continued on the run he was in after WM he would have been the logical next opponent. Not anymore.
I just don't see Brock losing the title anytime soon.  If he faces (Cesaro?) at NOC then a Cena rematch at HIAC, don't think he loses it till WM against either Reigns or Bryan.

I just really hope they aren't dropping Cena out of the title picture for a match with Hogan.
I just don't see Brock losing the title anytime soon.  If he faces (Cesaro?) at NOC then a Cena rematch at HIAC, don't think he loses it till WM against either Reigns or Bryan.

I just really hope they aren't dropping Cena out of the title picture for a match with Hogan.

They have to build cesaro up again. When he fights Brock it will be one of the last ppv's this year (hiac, survivor series, tlc)
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Cesaro HAS to be Brock's next guy.

I woudn't be against it but Cesaro is pretty much a jobber at this point. Hot shotting him into a feud with the champ just seems so far fetched considering his momentum ended months ago.
The funny thing is that you would have to think whoever faces Brock next will get a much worse beatdown than Cena did tonight.
Steph Rollins :lol: :rofl:


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No way they can build up Cesaro in a month to be a credible opponent.  Besides, I don't want to see him getting washed that bad.
Not even trying to be funny, but is there any chance that Rusev is booked the right way to be a legit contender to Brock?..He's beat Thwagger, who is a former World champ..So could they maybe book him against a Randal or Cena or Batista to give him another, more storied, champion to beat?..Which could set up a "champ killer" versus "the Ultimate Champion"..Don't think I'd want to see it, but it'd probably be better than Reigns..
At the way he destroyed Cena tonight, just keep feeding him guys at every PPV while they build up Reigns some more. If anything, it'll add credibility to the belt and Brock's stock as a monster will only rise higher.
Brock had to win but the WWE has once again booked themselves into a corner.

Brock has no one to face after Cena.

Cesaro? Let's be real.

We probably gonna get a crappy Brock vs Big show match
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