Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Only match I wasn't really entertained by was the Swagger/Reusev match ...the promo from Heyman tomorrow will be gold
The little kid in front of us made the event that much more entertaining. "We are people!"
I'm here to show the world, I'm here to show the world!

Who should beat him? D Bry. Cena after a long layoff and comeback story/tweak in character. Reigns if he gets it together in time. Jeans if they strap a rocket to his back now.
Daniel Bryan is a little twerp man. He has no business bueing in the ring with Brock. I love the dude in all but come on.
Daniel Bryan is a little twerp man. He has no business bueing in the ring with Brock. I love the dude in all but come on.

I'm here to show the world, I'm here to show the world!

Who should beat him? D Bry. Cena after a long layoff and comeback story/tweak in character. Reigns if he gets it together in time. Jeans if they strap a rocket to his back now.
Daniel Bryan is a little twerp man. He has no business bueing in the ring with Brock. I love the dude in all but come on.
That you Vince?
Think we'll see somebody from nxt brought up tomorrow night

Edit: Or at least a vignette/mention
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So the question is, who does Brock face at Night of Champions. You can’t do a Cena rematch after tonight.
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