Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

what was she reacting to?
Not even trying to be funny, but is there any chance that Rusev is booked the right way to be a legit contender to Brock?..He's beat Thwagger, who is a former World champ..So could they maybe book him against a Randal or Cena or Batista to give him another, more storied, champion to beat?..Which could set up a "champ killer" versus "the Ultimate Champion"..Don't think I'd want to see it, but it'd probably be better than Reigns..
It could work but I don't see anyway you turn Rusev face.  Rusev is being set up for Cena.
Nikki is a walking botch, microphone aint work, tripping in her heels. Just complete the trifecta and get that nip slip again :smile:
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