Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I mean why do you have to go to an extreme to make a point?

Not seeing your champ every week can be a good thing. Especially when NOBODY can touch the dude. I mean why is he wasting his time on RAW? To wrestle and defend the title against WHO? Ryback? Cena? Orton? I mean for what? He just punished Superman. Why does he need to play around with Robin and the Catwoman?

Keeping him away from TV doesn't overexpose him. He is a big thing. The less you see something the more of a spectacle it is when you see it.

If they want to sell Network Subscriptions, make it "exclusive to the NETWORK" to see Brock Lesner.

Well we disagree then because the WWE is at a crossroads right now and they turned a lot of fans off in recent years. The product is bad; every time they push a star people like it ends in them turning into jobbers shortly there after to make way for champions like the Rock and Brock.
I'm going to reserve my judgement until I see where they go with things.
I started watching wrestling again and coming to this thread between wm 26 and 27.
I completely understood all of the complaint that was going on. To me that was some of the worst direction I had seen since right before new generation era with all the ridiculous characters. We were literally seeing the same old **** with cena and miz and orton and sheamus ect ect.
But then we got Cm Punk. But people still complained. And things looked bright for the future but look at how they ultimately dropped the ball with punk and moving the company in a completely new direction.
Then Brock came back. But people still complained. And what happened. Wwe dropped the ball again. It's like the pessimistic fans at least have a legitimate reason to always be pessimistic. Look at dbry. Look at ziggler to a lesser extent.

I personally have been really enjoy ing the product lately. It's the first time I've truly felt like we've been going in a new direction. And I honestly think that the Network doing poorly is perfect. Wwe have out all of their stock in the network. It needs to succeed. And you need your fans to want to spend money for your product to succeed. It's like the company has created their own competition. And I like a competitive WWE.
I saw that troll coming and idc 
I mean come on now. Who did they think was going to fall for that?

Steph looking good though. I won't fake.

She low-ki loves YES!. She plays it off as if she is joking
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