Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I sent WWE a comment for poops and giggles. I wrote the following about the Brie/Steph segment:

"WWE’s PG, family-friendly programming is a welcomed product in today's digital age but this segment was an embarrassment. I hope the product can be entertaining without sacrificing the values the company stands for today. I mean hell, I do pay $9.99 for it with a 6 month commitment the least you can do is keep it PG for the kids I don't even have."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
How dumb is Jerry? * Cesaro really can't do this he is not that strong* When he has been doing it for weeks now.
Who thinks steph and bri closes out raw tonight for a 3rd stright week?
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