Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

he seems to have worked somewhat on his mic skills,i can actually understand him,still got no swag tho smh.
And they have him cut a promo when he's tired like he cuts good promos when he isn't winded. I dunno. Stealing is taking without asking last I checked.
What the hell was that?

That was kind of zesty.
Wow man the more I see him solo the more I see why they split to soon smh but I like how Dean and Seth are doing
So Rybaxel gets protected...then demolished...k.

Reigns hasn't hit his drop kick correctly since 1996.

That promo was...bad
Actually Roman, a viper that gets it's fangs knock down it's throat is still a viper.

[Tyson Kidd] Facts. [/Tyson Kidd]
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