Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Rasslin' is so fun right now.

Let's not all pick on the old guy gambit, guys.

On four SRS notes-

I think Ziggler will never get another title run.

I think Paige might be the Heyman 'Guy'. (I really don't think anyone is coming up from NXT soon)

I'm 70% sure Ohno will never make the main roster.

John Cena doesn't get enough credit. Great main with Bryan.

If you still got that mindset about how WWE is, your sooo wrong. Your average WWE wrestler is way SMALLER Than the old muscle head days. Ziggler ain't that big, cody ain't that big, bryan aint that big, punk aint that big, ADR aint that big. I could go on and on. Ohno will be on the roster and do well.
Ohno looks like a out of shape homeless guy.  Unless he starts hitting the gym, he's never sniffing the main roster.
Continuing this thread this week since there is so much good discussion going on.  No sense in cutting it off just for the sake of a new thread.
I don't think anyone wants to see Ohno on the main roster unless he's in shape.. idk why he's blowing it.
Why was Maria Menousganoshahsb even wrestling last night? Why does WWE keep working with her?


A good SummerSlam last night that will certainly go down as one of the most noteworthy SummerSlams in history.  Two awesome matches and one very good match made the show an easy thumbs up.  Here's a quick rundown:
  • Rob Van Dam d Dean Ambrose via DQ (A SHIELD DQ) when Roman Reigns interfered.  They had a long preshow match with Mark Henry and Big Show also coming out but it never lead to anything.  Not nearly as good as last month's preshow match between The Shield and The Usos.
  • Bray Wyatt d Kane in a Ring of Fire Match.  TERRIBLE.  I thought last night may help my interest in the Wyatt's but it only hurt it further.
  • Cody Rhodes d Damien Sandow.  Basic match, nothing special.
  • Alberto Del Rio d Christian to retain the World Heavyweight Title.  Very good match, better than their TV matches.  Del Rio worked over Christian's arm an eventually got him with the cross arm breaker.
  • Natalya d Brie Bella.  Plenty of botches, but none by the ref.
  • Brock Lesnar d CM Punk.  AWESOME match.  My favorite of the night and one of my favorites of the year.  Brock was finally booked as he should be.  A monster.  Punk gave him everything he had with a steel chair and incredibly hit him with a GTS.  Brock had to weigh at least 320 lbs.  Brock didn't tap from the Anaconda Vice.  He powerbombed his way out of the move twice.  Heyman interfered.  In the end, Brock hit the F5 on a steel chair to get the win in a 25 minute match.
  • Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn d Big E Langston and aj lee.  I don't recall anything from this match.
  • Daniel Bryan d John Cena to win the WWE Title.  The match started a bit slow.  Cena's elbow was clearly really hurting him.  The match picked up in the second half.  They did a ton of stiff Japanese spots.  One really scary spot where Cena looked like he was going to do a top rope Styles Clash on Bryan (something Tanahashi did in the G1), but instead almost dropped him right on his head.  Bryan kicked out of the AA.  The finish saw Bryan hit Cena with the Bom A Ye running knee to get the clean pin.  HHH was impartial the whole match.  They did a huge celebration after the match with confetti and everything.  Then Randy Orton's music hit.
  • Randy Orton d Daniel Bryan to win the WWE Title via cashing in the Money in the Bank Briefcase.  Orton teased that he wasn't going to cash in, but then HHH hit Bryan with a Pedigree.  Orton got into the ring, HHH ordered the match to be started, Orton made the cover, and got the pin.  Despite surviving a 27 minute match with John Cena, a single Pedigree from HHH kept Daniel Bryan down for a good 30 seconds.  The ******g ego of that prick, and yes, I'm serious.
Overall, a very memorable show.  I could really do without all the damn commercials though on a PPV.  WWE had gotten away from that for a while, but last night they were plastered all over the show.

Tonight we'll see what HHH's motivation was for screwing Daniel Bryan and aligning with Randy Orton.  Most likely we will see HHH and Vince join forces.  I don't know where that leaves Stephanie, but the plan is for all of the McMahons to be aligned before eventually splitting up for WrestleMania with Vince playing the face and HHH playing the heel.

There's been a lot of great discussion in this thread about what you do next with Daniel Bryan.  The money is in his chase for the title.  WWE would really be blowing something potentially huge if he just loses a rematch with Randy Orton at Night of Champions.

It will also be really interesting to see what is next for Punk.  Brock Lesnar is gone until most likely 2014, but Punk's feud with Heyman certainly doesn't seem to be over.  But Punk is so far above CURTIS AXEL that I can't see them doing that feud.
--The bar fight involving Alberto Del Rio and Drew McIntyre took place at about 3 a.m. Saturday night.  The story going around last night is that they went to a bar together.  Somebody said something to the girl McIntyre was with.  Del Rio stepped in and somebody blind sided him with a bottle and the fight was on.  McIntyre ended up with a black eye and Del Rio's face was a mess.
Nothing good happens at 3 AM. Theyre adults but they should have been in the hotel at that hour especially of you're on the card. Could have been a lot worse.
I remember someone posted that WWE was looking for local athletic dudes to play extras for RAW tomorrow, what do you guys think that's for?

If you like soup in your pants and hummus on your face by all means this is perfect for you :lol:
@af1 & 4W Show never even made it to his feet
That was before they "changed" the rules of cashing in. Peep edge on Cena. Cena was a bloody mess who was down. And edge just waited for him yo get to his feet to set up the spear IIRC
K, so if they changed the rules what's the fuss w DBry not making it to his feet?
The CURRENT rule is the guy is supposed to be on his feet.  But I guess since it was HHH makes the call, it didn't apply.
K, so if they changed the rules what's the fuss w DBry not making it to his feet?
That's the thing. The official rules for MITB is that the opponent has to be on their feet for the bell to ring. 

They could use this technicality to play it into a storyline. Or they might just do a thing where Triple H is the ref and the COO, therefore he can do whatever he wants
That's the thing. The official rules for MITB is that the opponent has to be on their feet for the bell to ring. 

They could use this technicality to play it into a storyline. Or they might just do a thing where Triple H is the ref and the COO, therefore he can do whatever he wants

I wouldn't mind them doing a "technicality" angle, and then have DB/RO do a best of 7 series for the belt..
Every time I come into this thread it is made clear that I don't pay attention to things the way you all do.
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SMH, why in the world does Cena need to start the show. I hope he just announces that he's gonna be leaving for a couple months

No need to take away the shine from D Bry
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