Wrestling Thread Aug 22-28 | 8/25 Matt Hardy Hospitalized, Jeff Hardy Returns to TNA

Oct 15, 2000

Sorry guys, no real preview this week.  The key points wrestling items from the past week:

  • Rey Mysterio's knee was in bad, bad shape after his match last week with Alberto Del Rio.  He specifically hurt it worse than it already was during a baseball slide during the match.  He believes he has a torn ACL and MCL.  While the official diagnosis is unknown at this point, everyone expects surgery and for him to be out multiple months.
  • The main events for Night of Champions are set with Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena, Randy Orton vs Mark Henry, and CM Punk vs Kevin Nash.
  • Matt Hardy was arrested for DWI and subsequently released from TNA.
  • Mistico returned to action over the weekend.  It is unknown at this point if they will have a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud.

Nothing announced for Raw tonight.  The show is in Edmonton, so it should be a loud crowd.  Night of Champions is still four weeks away.  Expect more between ADR and Cena, more with HHH/Punk/Nash/Stephanie, and more with Kelly Kelly and Eve vs Beth and Natalya.

As for me.... look for a separate post later, but after 219 days, I'm finally picking up something I ordered with 4 rings from Germany.  Beyond excited. I may or may not be around for Raw tonight.

Also, I haven't gotten a ton of responses for Survivor Series tickets.  If you are interested in going (you don't have to commit at this point), e-mail me at [email protected].
Can't wait for tonight's RAW especially the Nash-Punk-HHH angle. It would be another interesting show.
How many we got so far for Survivor Series?

I know of two which is me and my girl.

Bout damn time you got that Audi.
Matt Hardy wrote the following comments on his Youtube Channel:
@jar2h When the side windows glass smashed into my face, arms, & neck, some of the blood that did felt almost angelic. I went from being afraid to die to feeling like I was almost being reborn with some sort of an ABSOLUTE PURE LIFE-FORCE. It was the most amazing thing I've every experience, I felt like I'd just received the blood of an angel flowing inside me-I know this sounds crazy! Due to these, I only have urges to help people. And miraculously, all my vices are gone.
Amen Friends,

I took a breathalyzer immediately on the spot and it read clean, zero, nothing. Think about peeps! There's more to this story than meets the eye. MATTHEW

Here's Matt after being reborn with the pure life force:

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by The Bad Guy

Matt Hardy wrote the following comments on his Youtube Channel:
@jar2h When the side windows glass smashed into my face, arms, & neck, some of the blood that did felt almost angelic. I went from being afraid to die to feeling like I was almost being reborn with some sort of an ABSOLUTE PURE LIFE-FORCE. It was the most amazing thing I've every experience, I felt like I'd just received the blood of an angel flowing inside me-I know this sounds crazy! Due to these, I only have urges to help people. And miraculously, all my vices are gone.
Amen Friends,

I took a breathalyzer immediately on the spot and it read clean, zero, nothing. Think about peeps! There's more to this story than meets the eye. MATTHEW

Here's Matt after being reborn with the pure life force:

Spoiler [+]

He and Jeff are a mess.
off the man that thinks team hhh should consist of a non-wrestling hhh and an in-ring nash.

the #+%@?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

As for me.... look for a separate post later, but after 219 days, I'm finally picking up something I ordered with 4 rings from Germany.  Beyond excited. I may or may not be around for Raw tonight.
lettuce be cereal, cena doesn't miss a show.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

As for me.... look for a separate post later, but after 219 days, I'm finally picking up something I ordered with 4 rings from Germany.  Beyond excited. I may or may not be around for Raw tonight.
lettuce be cereal, cena doesn't miss a show.
4W is far from being Cena
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

  • The main events for Night of Champions are set with Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena, Randy Orton vs Mark Henry, and CM Punk vs Kevin Nash

Nothing announced for Raw tonight.  The show is in Edmonton, so it should be a loud crowd.  Night of Champions is still four weeks away.  Expect more between ADR and Cena, more with HHH/Punk/Nash/Stephanie, and more with Kelly Kelly and Eve vs Beth and Natalya.
When was this announced? Punk vs Nash makes sense but idk if it's gonna be a good match, probably won't be a clean match either. Del Rio needs to beat Cena, they can't give Cena the belt back...I can't deal with that nonsense. 
Originally Posted by theDEEK

Back up, I'm the one with the Cena gimmick here.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dork.... Yes you have a cena Gimmick....[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]4W IS Cena.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]and you've been talking about your shipment forever and a fu--ing day on twitter. congrats bro. have fun.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]side bar: Nash vs Punk, good chance that this match will be horrendous. Unless Nash was running around doing a ton of work in the ring, behind the scenes, daily and we just haven't seen it. I just don't know man. We'll see, the build up is nice and the two last monday going back and forth Was entertaining. But when you have someone like Punk in the ring.... then you have Nash.... the two styles are [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]. Thee last enjoyable match i saw with Nash/Diesel was with Bret Hart.... Why because Bret carried it. I hope Punk can carry this one. (in all reality he can, i just don't wanna see this extra clumsy match.)[/color]
Raw gets bizzaro as they heard to Edmonton, Alberta Canada for Monday Night RAW.

Last week, Alberto Del Rio successfully retained his "undisputed" WWE championship against Rey Mysterio. But after the match, Del Rio made sure to take Rey out by destroying his arm. Cena would come to the rescue of his friend Mysterio. Cena would also make Del Rio know loud and clear that he was gunning for his title. Will Cena and Del Rio collide tonight?All signs point to yes. Expect to see a confrontation between these two Superstars tonight.

As mentioned in 4W's preview..Rey Mysterio's knee was in bad, bad shape after his match last week with Alberto Del Rio.  He specifically hurt it worse than it already was during a baseball slide during the match.  Today the Superstar tweeted that he will indeed be having surgery. " @ReyMysterio: "Need to have surgery again! Sorry4 the let down! Promise to make it back as soon as possible!Gonna miss what I luv most-ENTERTAINING U's!619. Thank you all for keeping me in your thoughts & prayers! The good vibes give me faith & makes me stronger! 4real, 1luv-619"

Last week, more questions as to why Kevin Nash attacked CM Punk at SummerSlam arose. Triple H addressed at the beginning of RAW that the only thing he communicated to Nash was Nash to get tickets for the event. He claims he had nothing to do with Punk being put out by Nash. Nash claims that Triple H texted him to attack whoever won the title match. Is Nash telling the truth? Did Triple H send him the text? Or were there some underhanded doings? Was it Stephanie? Was it Johnny Ace? Expect things to slightly unfold tonight as the Triple H Vs. Punk saga is set to take us through fall. A ''Team Punk vs. Team Triple H'' match is apparently on the cards for Survivor Series. If the report is to be believed, then CM Punk's team will consist of himself, Colt Cabana and The Kings of Wrestling, while Hunter's team would consist of himself, Kevin Nash and two to three others.
In my opinion, this would give fans a great "Big dog, Underdog" story that people would be able to get behind. In addition, it would also bring back Survivor Series from the brink of extinction. (Given the match would be made to really matter, per some stipulation) For too long WWE has neglected this pay-per-view and it is no longer viewed in the same light as WrestleMania, SummerSlam and the Royal Rumble. The event which saw the birth of the Undertaker, the infamous ''Montreal Screwjob'' and countless other great matches, may finally get a match worthy of its time.

Now, as to who may make up the rest of Hunter's team, who knows?

  • [h4]Would this match be ''Good for business?''[/h4]
  • [h4]Yes[/h4]
  • [h4]No[/h4]
    Total votes: 1,259
Sean Waltman? Scott Hall? Shawn Michaels?All highly improbable. More than likely, he'll ''pay'' somebody like Ziggler, Swagger, Mason Ryan, ETC. to fight with him. As for Punk's team, the possibilities are endless. You could have anybody from the independent promotions, anybody from ROH, anybody from FCW or anybody from WWE.
This storyline has the potential to keep us interested for months and I expect it's continuation to be the highlight of the evening.

In another storylines..

The Divas of Doom, Natalya and Beth Phoenix, are taking out every opposition in the Divas division. But can they take out a common enemy in Diva's champ Kelly Kelly?So far, they've been unsuccessful.

McGillOtunga may have their first true challenge for the tag gold in Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne. Will "Bourne to be Kingston" continue their success? Or will the former Nexus put them down early?With reports of the WWE looking to revamp the Tag Team division, it would make sense to have Bourne and Kingston go over. They've been going over McGillOtunga at house shows recently, which may or may not be an indication of them eventually capturing the titles from the remains of the Nexus.

It looks like trouble in Paradise for Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. After aiding Jack Swagger against Alex Riley last week, Swagger proposed that Guerrero expand her clientele. Are we seeing the dawn of a new stable?

The feud between R-Truth and John Morrison continues. With a victory each over one another, will we see round 3 tonight?

And what will The Miz shill tonight?Is Miz Vs. Jared from Subway going to happen?


All this, maybe some Zack Ryder, and that good ol' Canada craziness, tonight on Raw.
Random News and Notes

[h2]http://www.geekweek.com/2011/08/wrestling-revolution-project-cast-reveal-day-1.html[/h2]Casting a WRESTLING REVOLUTION - Day 1
Jeff Katz | Aug 22 2011, 9:08 AM

Born on Twitter, fueled on Kickstarter and built in Hollywood, the WRESTLING REVOLUTION PROJECT has moved from inception to pre-production in less than four months time. As the progress to production continues we'll be bringing you an inside look at the next steps in the process of bringing this social experiment to life.

WRP is a 13-episode seasonal concept built on wrestling storytelling with a complete three act narrative structure. Cutting the cord completely from the modern wrestling industry chronology, it's the launch of a new universe with new characters and new rules. WRP aims to combine modern, relevant themes with compelling in-ring storytelling to create a unique wrestling television experience.

The WRESTLING REVOLUTION PROJECT begins production this October in Los Angeles and will be distributed in both physical and digital media by Image Entertainment throughout North America. For more information on WRP check out the official WRP website and follow us on Twitter at @TheWRProject and @KatzMoney.

For the next several weeks we will be revealing one new member of the WRP cast every Monday through Friday here on GeekWeek. Some faces you might recognize. Some faces you might not. And some faces might just confuse you altogether. But each weekday will bring a new face and a new set of talents to our growing ensemble.

As the great Marty DiBergi once said, "Enough of my yakkin'," its time to let this cast out of the bag.

Scott Colton, best known to wrestling fans as Colt Cabana.


Scott Colton is a truly unique talent, bridging his incredible in-ring skills with his background in improv and standup comedy to carve out a niche of his own in the new media world. Colton played football at Western Michigan University where he graduated with a degree in business marketing. He's used those marketing skills to impressive effect as his podcast, "The Art of Wrestling," dominates the iTunes podcast charts with increasing regularity. Recently profiled in a cover story by the Chicago Reader, the Illinois native has emerged as a walking example of cross-genre success.

Follow him online at We Love Colt! and on Twitter.

We are thrilled to welcome Scott Colton to the cast of the WRESTLING REVOLUTION PROJECT. Please join us here tomorrow when we reveal the next member of WRP.

TMZ has picked up the Eric Young storyline.
Scott Baio got into a verbal altercation at a golf course in Los Angeles this week -- but don't worry, Chachi wasn't in any real danger ... cause the whole thing was staged.

TMZ obtained photos taken this week, showing Baio getting into it with TNA wrestler Eric Young -- and we're told the whole thing was shot for a comedy segment that will air on Impact Wrestling this Thursday on Spike TV.
Speaking of Young..recently released Diva Melina managed Young at Saturday's Family Wrestling Entertainment event in New York City. Young won the FWE Title in a three-way match against Charlie Haas and Jay Lethal.
aside from his god awful cliche' mic skills, i dont even dislike john cena, but the fact that for the last 15 months he's been #1 contender for the title puts a sour taste in my mouth. summerslam just ended and he's already billed himself for the mainevent of NOC.
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