Wrestling Thread Aug 24-30 | 8/28 - Smackdown - CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy - Steel Cage Loser Leaves Town

Originally Posted by Maelstroom

Skull crushing finale?
Is that REALLY the best name they could come up with?
Mickie needs to stop pulling that skirt up. She's got some nice tights on tonight ... not as nice as those thongs she used to wear, but still nice

Mickie definitely getting punished for last week
oh...i get it now..HGH is just mad because he didnt get top billing at Summer Slam, so he had to get the main event of Raw.
If you dont like the colors i selected, feel free to make the change!

TaflanDon g.W.o.- H.B.K.
KrazyChino g.W.o.- MuhammadHassan
SoLeCity- g.W.o.- The Ultimate Warrior
xxxoverridexxx- g.W.o.- Doink The Clown
AirUpHere23- g.W.o.- Raven
What's the point of paying Mayweather all that money to host RAW if he's not even going to show up lol
Originally Posted by chino905

What's the point of paying Mayweather all that money to host RAW if he's not even going to show up lol
WWE aint paying anybody except old wrestlers to host everybody else is doing it for free promotion time.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Wow, your go home show to one of the biggest PPVs of the year beat a meaningless preseason football game by 1 million viewers. That's something to be proud of.

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