Wrestling Thread Aug 26-Sep 8 | 9/2 RAW - Happy Labor Day

Triple H's ego is on another level right now, but he's been masterful in his role as POS douchebag who buries everybody. In essence he's just being himself.

After tonight, Randy Orton needs a new shirt that says "Apex Proxy Champion"
With the injuries that guys have had flying at the announce table, I don't understand why they continue to always do dives in that directly.  Seth Rollins is crazy.
HHH's Ego is on 9000000000000000000 dawwwg, he's living out his entire King of Kings fantasy :rofl: :rofl:

He's really going overboard now. Got the entire roster lookin shook. :lol:

This is going good though. I just hope it ends with DBry winning the title back at WM.

That's why I don't mind it at all, but it's just hilarious seeing backstage talk come to fruition on live tv, with HHH basically acknowledging everything fans are saying. However, if this ends in Bryan eating a Pedigree at WM30 after HHH strips the title from Orton, I'll looooooooooooooose it :lol:
Working on a spreadsheet for WWE 2K14 rosters/ratings. Trying to put everyone at a specific offensive style.

Out of these, where would you put Randy Orton?

1 - All Around
6 - Striker
9 - Vicious
10- Ground

I'd say All Around just cause he's basically a mix of 6,9, and 10

Triple H's ego is on another level right now, but he's been masterful in his role as POS douchebag who buries everybody. In essence he's just being himself. :smh: :lol:

After tonight, Randy Orton needs a new shirt that says "Apex Proxy Champion"

Apex Beta Champion :lol:

Just think in 2000 he had kayfabe power, now he actually can fire people. :lol:

This :lol: Too much real life

Last segment reminded me of this. WWE doing a good job and going back to see what has helped to build heat in the past. Everyone knows the whole Corporate Rock angle, but it looks like they're going even further. I dig it.
AJ remember you would be nothing if WWE didn't partner you up with every top guy. Try being a diva that makes it on your own. #RAW
— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri) August 27, 2013
Also, bringing up my Dad AJ will b something u will regret. Btw how r ur parents like? Oh wait we hear you sob about it all the time. #RAW
— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri) August 27, 2013
@nicoleandbri really on your own? You 2 are the "fluffers" of the locker room. And you held back 3 other girls from getting contracts.
— Maria Kanellis (@MariaLKanellis) August 27, 2013




@nicoleandbri really on your own? You 2 are the "fluffers" of the locker room. And you held back 3 other girls from getting contracts.
— Maria Kanellis (@MariaLKanellis) August 27, 2013

THE THE THE THE CANNON! AJ firing shots is awesome, cause everything is true. Bellas are acting like they're ring savvy vets as if they're Nattie and Beth Phoenix, when they barely wrestle any better than Kelly Kelly & Lacey Von Erich
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Heels can't have an athletic style?
In my opinion no. Athletic moves make fans FANS. You don't make people like you by doing pretty moves. Just my opinion.

Just thinking about the late 80's with the Great Muta. He was supposed to be a heel, but he was so damn athletic that fans eventually liked the dude. He has to tone it down, but that is his style. He needs to break away from those two.

I get what you're saying. Ziggler and D-Bry are two of the most athletic guys out there and are faces now. I always liked when HBK was a heel.
AJ remember you would be nothing if WWE didn't partner you up with every top guy. Try being a diva that makes it on your own. #RAW
— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri) August 27, 2013

Also, bringing up my Dad AJ will b something u will regret. Btw how r ur parents like? Oh wait we hear you sob about it all the time. #RAW
— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri) August 27, 2013

@nicoleandbri really on your own? You 2 are the "fluffers" of the locker room. And you held back 3 other girls from getting contracts.
— Maria Kanellis (@MariaLKanellis) August 27, 2013
From the Reddit guy who leaked all the PPV results.

Since I joined reddit, My motive has been simple: To draw attention to a very important problem and ongoing issue within the WWE industry, while concurrently abstaining from turning the community into a circus act. For these reasons, I have made my posts few and far between. I did not respond to messages, e-mails, comments, or interview requests. My goal was NOT to be the spotlight of attention, but rather to draw awareness to the inexcusable, insultingly obvious schemes that are taking place behind the scenes of the WWE. I figured the best means of action to demonstrate these schemes was to post sparingly and exclusively, before each respected PPV, and simply allow my results to speak for themselves. In doing so, I went 38-0 over a course of 5 successive PPVs; all the while going 3-0 at Summerslam after receiving news from my source that many match outcomes were being changed at the last minute.

I feel that a step has certainly been taken in the right direction, as now most wrestling fans are well aware of an existing mole within the industry. However, the primary misconception regarding the mole is that I am, or am directly affiliated with him. Rather, the mole is anonymously releasing the outcomes to a small, exclusive group of individuals; all of whom are benefiting off it at the expense of the WWE, its fans, and the integrity of their product. This had been ongoing for several months before I began to address it publicly. Eventually, this ordeal had reached a point in time where I felt it was appropriate and necessary to release a statement on reddit.

Nevertheless, I commend WWE’s noble efforts to ensure secrecy during last week’s Summerslam event. However, it is my belief that the course of action taken to resolve the leaks was merely to discredit me by changing the outcomes of matches at the last minute, rather than actually stopping the mole. They are shooting the messenger, and the leaks are still taking place. I am confident that if I went silent, the leaks would continue full-throttle, and the frankness of the product would continue to be compromised. For this reason, I think the attention should be diverted from me and rather on the mole himself

As I’ve stated before, my intention is wholesome. The last thing I want is for these leaks to persist, and to continue to witness the downfall of the integrity of the WWE; an industry that is filled with extraordinary talent and unmatched potential. I feel that putting an end to these leaks is paramount in restoring the candidness to the business. The company deserves it, the wrestlers deserve it, and most importantly, the fans deserve it. Do what’s right for business – Please stop the leaks.

Yours truly, Dolphins1925

EDIT: TO CLARIFY: I am NOT in contact with the mole. My source receives his information from a member who IS in contact, however the mole leaks his information anonymously
Heels can't have an athletic style?
In my opinion no. Athletic moves make fans FANS. You don't make people like you by doing pretty moves. Just my opinion.

Just thinking about the late 80's with the Great Muta. He was supposed to be a heel, but he was so damn athletic that fans eventually liked the dude. He has to tone it down, but that is his style. He needs to break away from those two.

wasn't this also the case with rvd back during the invasion?
AJ remember you would be nothing if WWE didn't partner you up with every top guy. Try being a diva that makes it on your own. #RAW
— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri) August 27, 2013
Also, bringing up my Dad AJ will b something u will regret. Btw how r ur parents like? Oh wait we hear you sob about it all the time. #RAW
— The Bella Twins (@nicoleandbri) August 27, 2013
@nicoleandbri really on your own? You 2 are the "fluffers" of the locker room. And you held back 3 other girls from getting contracts.
— Maria Kanellis (@MariaLKanellis) August 27, 2013

and the plot thickens
Damn. Maria with the ether. Funny how the Bellas say AJ would be nothing if she didn't get paired up with people. AJ's pretty good in the ring and I like her matches.
Hey this random but Im thinking of getting a world heavyweight championship belt, do you guys own any or anywhere that sells a replica one for cheap? Thanks
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