Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

What makes Paige more desirable to grown men than the Queen?
Not sure at all man. Maybe because she is young and brash?

Didn't somebody on here say that at AXXESS she was the one with the longest line?

And I see more mentions of her online
Paige has 3.2M IG followers and Nikki has 4.5M

Probably had a longer line at AXXESS because people are attracted to her and also respect her as a wrestler
See, I always think of little boys liking Nikki. I know she has the most womanly body on the roster that isn't Black, but she is in that Nick Jr crowd.

Yea Gene, White Males
What makes Paige more desirable to grown men than the Queen?


"Brash" with a DGAF attitude

"Attainable" for IWC nerds

"Outsider" that is unlike typical WWE divas

Decent wrestler who's also decent on the mic
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Paige has 3.2M IG followers and Nikki has 4.5M

Probably had a longer line at AXXESS because people are attracted to her and also respect her as a wrestler
And she has the NXT crowd on her side as well.

Nikki was essentially Roman Reigns of the Diva Talent search

Some allow themselves to be enchanted, seduced, and titillated by All Red Everything. She's a fine performer, I just think I'd prefer a more mat-based style from her.

I will think Naomi is quite the attractive young lady, to carefully evaluate the wife of a competitor.

Idk Eva is very difficult to watch from a wrestling standpoint imo. I feel like I can almost see her thinking about every move.
Some allow themselves to be enchanted, seduced, and titillated by All Red Everything. She's a fine performer, I just think I'd prefer a more mat-based style from her.

I will think Naomi is quite the attractive young lady, to carefully evaluate the wife of a competitor.
Fine performer as in what?

That is like Doc Rivers saying he would prefer DeAndre to be a back to the basket type of offensive threat. 

CAN she even be that? LOL
Idk Eva is very difficult to watch from a wrestling standpoint imo. I feel like I can almost see her thinking about every move.
Fine performer as in what?

That is like Doc Rivers saying he would prefer DeAndre to be a back to the basket type of offensive threat. 

CAN she even be that? LOL
I'm sorry, I abbreviate mattress from time to time. Sorry for the confusion, I was trying to give an evaluation from a professional standpoint. As I said, her technical skill could use improvement, but her presence is undeniable, and I believe she would have thrived in the now-defunct Divas division.
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Yea she has presence. She clearly borrows her look (Robe) and mannerisms from Okada and Flair. Entrance is on point

She just doesn't appear to be a fluid athlete
I'm sorry, I abbreviate mattress from time to time. Sorry for the confusion, I was trying to give an evaluation from a professional standpoint. As I said, her technical skill could use improvement, but her presence is undeniable, and I believe she would have thrived in the now-defunct Divas division.

Can't argue with this
Yea she has presence. She clearly borrows her look (Robe) and mannerisms from Okada and Flair. Entrance is on point

She just doesn't appear to be a fluid athlete
I think that if other women in the division began to exploit their clear technical and skill-based advantages over her in the ring, it might help the fans appreciate that she's putting her beauty at risk every time she steps between the ropes, all in an effort to pursue one of the most legitimate titles in women's sports. That might be a compelling turn of events. Of course, the onus is then on her to prove her desire by making visible improvements despite her natural athletic disadvantage.
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